"yyyyaaaaaaaaawwwwwwnnnnn" (lol) Dan said sitting up
"not so much of a party animal after all are ya?" Tom said rolling his eyes.
"shut it you. Wow all these lovely gals round me" Dan said attempting to make Tom jealous but it not realy working as Naomi was lying on the setee(sp?)
"ya know what" Dan said standing up and walking towards Naomi
"what" Tom said, his eyes watching Dans every movement
*Dan sits down by Naomi*
"shes real hot" Dan said begingin to stroke her hair"
*Tom getting jealous but trying to remain calm*
"yeah shes pretty, you're lucky you're going on a date with her, whenever that is" Tom said reasuring himself
"what do you mean whenever that is!" Dan snapped waking Naomi up.
"dont worry" Tom said turning away picking up the tv guide
"whats wrong?" Naomi asked sitting up.
"Well Tom here reckons you won't really go on date with me"
"oh really?" Naomi said smiling "well we'll just see about that then won't we?" she said taking Dans hand and standing up.

"where you going?" Tom asked Naomi and DAn as they walked towards the livingroom door
"on a date, see you in about 3hours" Naomi giggled as she slipped her highheels on and grabbed her coat.
"nice one mate!" Dan said following Naomi out the door "where we going?" was all Tom heard as the front door slammed shut.

"rat" Tom said as he watched Naomi pull Dan down the pathway and out the gate.

"i really do hate him� Tom said as tears began to roll down his cheeks, he cried so much he�d tired himself out and drifted off to sleep.

*the front door swings open waking up Tom*

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