*Chapter 6*
"So are we gona get some food?" Harry questioned feeling kinda lost, as he rubbed his belly.
"lets go now!" Lauz smiled leading them all into the restaurant
"ah yes, can i help you madam?" A waiter asked Lauz
"er 'ang on, Danny whats the table under?" Lauz smiled at Danny
"erm....*slight pause* Sir Daniel Jones"

*hysetrical laughed brok out between the group as Daniel turned a deep shade of red*

"ah leave him!" Tom demanded.
"yeah leave me!" Daniel said.

"Shall i tak you to your table mam?" The waiter asked Lauz with an arm raised pointing in the direction of an empty table.
"Yeah please." DAniel said giving his friends a nasty glare as he did he began to follow the waiter with his nose in the air, which was stupid of him bcoz he didnt notice the ornamental lion on the floor, he fell right over it and smack on his face.

*the guys crack up into hysterical laughter while all the girls rush over to make sure he's not hurt*

"Are you ok?" The girls said altogether.
"I am now!" Daniel grinned at the pretty girls all gathered round him.

*The girls all giggled as they took their seats as nearest to Danny as possible, leaving Harry and Tom to sit next 2eachother*

" So how does it feel being famous?" Tom questioned trying to start conversation.
"i'm so jealous!" Naomi moaned to her best matio Laura.
"i know out on a date with Daniel" laura shared her jealousy
"I know, why dont we go down to the restaurant and pretend we didnt realise they wer on a date?!" Naomi said feeling slightly too jealous.
"YEAH! we can sit down with them and wow yeah we really should!" Laura said also feeling slightly too jealous of the Nush
"well i mean surely Daniel doesn't want to be on a date with just Nush?!" Naomi said thinking aloud
"That's true, since when did DAniel say he fancied her?!" Laura said pulling a face as she screwed up her nose.
"well Nush reckons he just texted her to say he wanted to go for a meal with her!" Naomi said pulling a face similar to Laura's
"well are we getting ready to go down there or what?!" Laura said
"yeah your right, wouldn't want Daniel to go too long without me!" Naomi said pouting.
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