*Chapter 7*
"So?" Tom said looking up from his menu
"so what?" Lauz + Lizi questioned
"so what is it like being famous eh?" Tom said smiling
"oooooooooo!" They said before Daniel butted in.
"yeah it's great, im gona get really big headed all these gals fancying me!" He grinned at the quads.
"you're gona get big headed!" Tom said sarcatically turning his nose up. "i wasnt talking to you! i was talking to the quads!" Tom shouted.
"oh ok, i erm im gona go to the toilet." DAniel said feeling awkward
"well we're not exactly famous, our single aint on the music channels or nothing yet. you guys are bout the only people who know we've been signed." Pearl stated
"Hey and Fletch, dont forget Fletch!" Lizi added before ordering their drinks.

"HELLO!!!!" Tom shouted across the restaurant to Naomi and Laura. (bare in mind this is a fancy restaurant so posh if you get food on the table cloth you have to pay �10) so shouting across the restaurant is not a good thing to do.

"EXCUSE ME SIR! that is not the kind of way we expect our customers to behave in our restaurant! it is totally unexceptable and if there is another distrubance of the kind we wil have no choice but to have you removed from our restaurant, and you will have to pay �20 for the waste booking of this table, do i make myself clear!" a waiter with bushy grey eyebrows and mushtash growled.
"i'm very sorry sir, it won't happen again, i do appologise" Nush said giving Tom an evil glare.
"sorry" tom muttered.

"hey!" Naomi growled to Nush "i thought you were on a date with lover boy!" Naomi bitched.
"I am!" Nush giggled. "so is Lizi, Lauz, Pearl, Harry + Tom!" She laughed.
"oh haha!" Naomi growled, keeping her eyes on nush with her hands on her hips, well all until something else caught her eye.
"Daniel!" Naomi yelled running over to hug him, giving him a iss on each cheek.
"oi oi, what i do 2 deserve this then!" Daniel laughed as he went to sit down.
"uh oh" Harry said before dropping his head down like a little kid whose just been told off.

"right, i am afraid you all have to leave, you have caused too much of a distrubance for our other customers you also have to pay �20 for the waste of the table.
"I think he looks a bit like prince charles" Harry giggled.

"that'll be �25" the waiter spat.
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