*Chapter 8*
"wahey!" Daniel smiled recieving a round of smiles from the girls and a roll of the eyes from Tom
"WHAT?!" Tom said to DAniel as he payed the waiter then picked up his jacket.

"WEEEELLL!" DAniel began "who wants to go home and play TWISTA!!!!" DAniel grinned.

"come on lets go!" Tom said signaling for everyone to leave.
"come then........" Harry said.

*Daniel is walking in front with all the girls surrounding him, while Tom + Harry are dowldling behind*

"i just..........dont see why?" Tom began
"oh whats that?" Harry asked
"Well......Naomi.....she" Tom carried on
"yeah what about her?" Harry said looking concerned.
"why.......why does she.....ya know....?" Tom said dropping his head to the floor.
"erm.....not really Tom, what you going on a bout?"
"she.....loves DAniel so much" Tom said looking longingly at the back of Naomi's head just as she flicked her hair back.
"im sure she dont"
*Naomi giggles very loudly causing Tom to look up, as he did so Naomi smacked Daniels bum and linked his arm*
"Oh don't she?!?!?!" Tom blubbered.
"well...." Harry said, not quite sure What to say.
"but why? i just.....i just dont see why......i mean.......he's so........"
"big headed?" Harry butted in
"yeah, and so......"
"mean" Harry carried on
"yeah and just so......"
"good looking"
"yeah, its so unfair, she only likes him cause of.......his looks......why not me?" Tom said as a single tear fell from his eye.
"well.......he's kinda funny too. and he's kind to the girls. he make s them laugh and stuff" Harry said putting Tom in an even sadder mood.
"yeah you know what......you're right..... i can see why now......." Tom began.
"i mean.......Daniel's got EVERYTHING.....good looks, sense of humour....just EVERYTHING......with Daniel around....how can Naomi ever like me?" Tom said feeling majorly sorry for himself.
"oh come on mate dont feel bad." Harry said patting Tom on the back then skipping off in front.

"yeah why feel bad, your a loser, no one even likes you why feel bad?" Tom mumbled to himself, as he dragged his feet up just enough to get him home.

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