"come on Daniel, dont say you've forgotten your keys!" lizi giggled.
"Tom's got some" Harry said turning round looking for Tom
"ay you, hurry up for god sake we do wana get in the house some time 2day!" DAniel snapped
"ok." Tom said rummaging through his pockets for his keys

"here they are" Tom said pulling them out, as he did so Daniel purposely nudged his Toms arm, causing Tom to drop the keys on the floor.
"oh bloody hell! pick um up will ya!" Daniel moaned.
*tom bends down to pick up the keys in doing so Daniel thought it'd be a laugh to kick toms butt. as he did so he made Tom fall forward. Tom put his hands out to stop himself from hitting his head on the door but he still managed to graze his nose along the floor*

"jeez, he cant do anything!" Daniel said snatching the keys out of Toms hands
"you ok mate?" Harry asked TOm holding out his hand to help Tom get up.
"ay you!" Daniel said slapping Harry round the head
"whaaaaat?!" Harry blubbered
"leave him, he can get up by himself!" Daniel said opening the door and kicking Tom on the way in.

"right laydeez to the livingroom!" Daniel said smirking leading them in.

come on Hal lets go 2 the kitchen" Tom said trying to keep as far away from Daniel as possible.
"but......." *Toms face dropped when he realised Harry as well as all the girls, also wanted to be with Daniel*
"its alright Hal, go in there i don't mind, he'll stop showing off when the girls have gone, he always does, i'll just wait til the girls go."
"noooooooooooooo," Hary smiled
"what?" Tom questioned feeling baffd
"noooooooooooo, i dont wana go in there coza Daniel.....jeez get real.......i meant i wana go in there coz Lizi is gona be playing Tista hehe" Harry said spinning round like a balerina
"you sad ole fool!" Tom laughed
"have they start?!" Tom sid peering his head out of the kitchen and into the living room, to see everyone on a pile on the floor across the tiwsta mat.
"what we waiting for Naomi's playing too!" Tom said running into the living room and pouncing on the setee.
"you can't play!" Daniels said slyly at Tom.

"who saidi wanted to!" Tom snapped back then grinned as he felt proud he'd answered Daniel back.
"right who's spinning this time?" Naomi asked catching Toms eye.
*Tom jumps up outta his seat also frightening the life outta Harry who was at the other end of the setee* "i'll spin!" Tom smiled reaching out for the board Naomi was holing .
"Right!"Tom smiled "who goes first?" he said still looking at Naomi.

"hey Check this out!" Bauner shouted to Kim

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