June 5, 2002

And yet another award for our darling boy!
Orlando nabbed himself an MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance...
You can watch the whole thing:  June 6 at 9pm on MTV!

Also, I'm honored to be one of the Nine Fella's... the 9 Judges of the all new
Don't be afraid to nominate your Orlando-related site!
Check it out!


Mainly, I focused on the Kelly Gang in this update.
There's a really awesome picture of Orlando in costume as Joe Byrne.
Plus some new information for the movie.
I also fixed some broken links in the picture book,
so everything is running smoothly there.
More to come....

May 30, 2002

I haven't added anything, but....

I just wanted to say that Orlando has earned himself an "Cheers" from TV Guide.  They cheered the Gap commercial, calling it "the most charming 30 seconds of TV".  I just thought you would all like to hear about that.  I'll leave the updates up from 5/26 just in case it's been a while since your last visit.

-New Fanart!
-New Information on The Kelly Gang (including an Orlando sighting!)
-Updated the links page and added a new affiliate
-Added two new codes
-New Vote (bottom center of the screen)
-Added a new tidbit of info to the biography

May 26, 2002

Time for some
Spring Cleaning!

-New Fanart!
-New Information on The Kelly Gang (including an Orlando sighting!)
-Updated the links page and added a new affiliate
-Added two new codes
-New Vote (bottom center of the screen)
-Added a new tidbit of info to the biography

Also, some may recall that many moons ago I promised an image of an Orlando look-a-like. 
It's taken a little coaxing... but the image is on it's way. 
And so the countdown begins...

In the meantime, don't forget to VOTE VOTE VOTE!

And check out the Milui Orlando Awards... Coming in June!

April 29, 2002


Can we say DENIM INVASION? Gap released a trio of new commercials, including "Denim Invasion" which stars Orlando prancing about in a Charcoal Classic T-shirt and some sexy boot cut Vintage wash jeans.  Well the jeans arn't sexy. Orlando is.  I hop eyou can catch it, but if you can't, check it out online, here!  Also, I snatched some photos!

Well, it's been quite a long time since my last update.  I apologize, I've been rather wrapped up in a play, Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew.  A lot of my fellow cast members have been checking out my webpage, so it's only fair to give them a little shout out.

On to the Updates!
-Corrected and added a few link-a-roos
-A few new images (Including Denim Invasion)
-New Information in Orlando's bio

April 7, 2002

First and foremost, I've moved into the Apprentice Challange at The Wizard's Quest.  I really need your support this week, so please take a moment to
vote for me.

OK, so next on the agenda... I've been working on a new layout for the site.  It's coming along great, and I hope to have it up by the end of the week (if I'm not overloaded with schoolwork...)

The updates for this week include:
-An exciting new vote... I selected several of my personal favorite characters from past movies and wanted to see which you think Orlando could have really pulled off.  You can find that here.
-Also, a new fabulous FunLib about an Evening at the Oscars.

The new layout will bring with it many new Orlando images and hopefully less issues with bandwith.  I hope you all enjoy it!  And thank you for your continued support with my webpage!

March 30, 2002

Forgive me, it's been a full week since my last update, by I guarentee it was well worth the wait.  This fun-filled update includes:
-Pictures of my WETA Sideshow Legolas Statue
-New Links/Affiliates
-Images of my own Autograph by Orlando
-Molly's Birthday Story for me
-New Biography Information
-New Code (Thanks Kelly!)

There's more to come, but that should hold you all for now.

Also, Orlando's up for another online vote: Dolly Magazine's 50 Hottest Men and 50 Hottest Women. 
Make sure you vote!

Thanks again for those that voted for me (and left me some cheers in my guestbook) for the Galadriel's Mirror Website Competition.  I barely took hold of second (and I should have tied for it!) which means I will be at Lothlorien for a second week.  Please vote for me!  I would really appreciate your support!

March 17, 2002
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

First of all, a big thank you to everyone who voted for me at Galadriel's Mirror last week.  I took a clean sweep!  (YAY!).  This coming week (March 18th - 22nd) I will be at Rohan.  I wish for your continued support!

Also, don't forget about the next possible Orlando sighting... The 74th Annual Academy Awards!  They start at 8pm (EST) on March 24th on ABC, but watch the pre-show at 7, hosted by Ananda Lewis, Chris Connelly, and Leeza Gibbons, for the Red Carpet interviews with nominees and stars.  And it's been confirmed that Enya will make her Debut Oscar Performance.

I'm working on a new piece of fanart.  I'm inking it, so it's taking a while to color.  Maybe I'll post some progress shots later.

That's about it!  Don't forget to vote for me on Monday!

March 16, 2002

The final reel of Lord of the Rings will be released on March 29th, according to Entertainment Weekly.  That means you'll be able to see a special preview of the next movie.  Apparently, Peter Jackson created this preview himself!  Thanks, Veronica, for the info!

Also, my parents surprised me on my birthday with the most wonderful present: the WETA Workshop 1/6 scale, polystone statue of Legolas from LOTR!  It's about a foot tall, and absolutely gorgeous!  Pictures to come!

I also just saw the National Geographic "Beyond the Movie: The Lord of the Rings".  It's was ok, nothing to brag about.  And the made these really terrible analogies between LOTR and a half naked man walking through a forest.  It was pretty bad...  But we did get our Orlando Moment!  They used a clip of an interview talking about the incredable craftsmanship of WETA Workshop's props.  They also showed several Elvish clips from the second and third movies featuring Orlando.  I'll add this new quote to the Biography soon.

Update-wise, I added a new alliance, Northern Mirkwood, I saw LOTR for my 13th time, I added an image of Maude, Orlando's dog to the Biography section, and I'm working on the 2nd volume of Orlando's Picture Book.

March 15, 2002 (The Ides of March!)

Well, I don't have much to update.  Tomorrow is the last day to vote at the IMAs for Orlando, so if you haven't yet, then what can I say, you're not a real Orlando fan.  Or something like that.

Well, my good friend Veronica brought to my attention the fact that Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn in Lord of the Rings), is not only an actor, but a painter, photographer, and poet.  He took many, many pictures on the set of LOTR, and selected a group to be a part of his "Sign Language" collection.  Anyway, to make a long story short, one of his photographs of Orlando is in the Fanart section.  I didn't know where to put it, and then I said to myself, "Self!  Everyone's a fan of Orlando, hence any artwork of him is artwork for him.
So click here if you'd like to see the image.
Special Thanks to "The Many Faces of Viggo Mortensen" for the im

March 11, 2002

Orlando and Ian at the SAG Awards:
click for more images of the SAG Awards

Ok, so here's a quick update.  I missed the first 15 minutes of the SAG Awards last night because I was watching A.I.  And of course Ian McKellen had both the opening speech (read it here) and he won Best Supporting Actor in that time frame.  I personally did not catch an Orlando moment, but I'm going to watch it again soon to double check. 
I'll be back with more details.
Oh, and they didn't win Best Cast in a Motion Picture.  Grrrr...

March 10, 2002

First of all, SAG Awards are Tonight at 8 on TNT. 
The cast of LOTR is up for an award (that they better win!). 
Tune in for a possible Orlando sighting! : )

Why Him? is OPEN!
"Why Him?" now has the skeleton of an essay posted there.  It's more my thoughts on catagorizing my site as an 'appreciation site' rather than an obsession or love devotion site.  If you have any thoughts on that subject, please post them at the messageboard.

Well, I haven't added much to the Biography section in a while, so I scouted around and found a few more facts and quotes to satiate your unquenchable thirst for Orlando Information.  New information is in light yellow to make it easier to locate. (How intelligent...Doy...).

Let me see, now what else?  Oh!  Voting begins tomorrow for a website
competition I entered, entitled "The Wizards Quest" under the team
"Galadriel's Mirror".  Voting is on a daily basis, so please vote everyday...
Here's a quick link, but there's also a link on the doorway page.

New Line Cinema has confirmed that they will add "something more than a trailer" to the final reel of "The Fellowship of the Ring" sometime in March, meaning a preview to the second movie, "Return of the King".

March 9, 2002

First of all, SAG Awards are this Sunday at 8 on TNT.  The cast of LOTR is up for an award (that they better win!).  Tune in for a possible Orlando sighting! : )

Second on the agenda, I've been hearing a few complaints lately about my site's new navigation bar.  People seem to like the old one better.  Sorry guys, this isn't changing.  I don't have enough time right now, and frankly, I like it.
Enough said.

Orlando on the Silver Screen:  He's rumored to have dropped one project and added another.  Check out the Filmography page for more info.

I've added a new affiliate and a couple more links.  Check them out.
And I've also added two new fanart pieces of Caroline's.

And finally, I've started reading "Orlando", the novel by Virginia Woolf that Orlando was named after.  It's pretty bizarre.  Look for a review at a later date.

March 4, 2002

D2BE just had it's one month birthday!  Congratuations to me!

Well, I just spent 6 hours updating, and in case you haven't noticed, I changed the navigation bar.  It still works the same way, so don't be afraid to use it.

Also, if you find any broken links, let me know. 
I would really appreciation it.  Thanks.

Other than the navigation bar, I've also added a new piece of my own fanart, as well as several more links and a few more tidbits of info in the biography.

Please note:  I'm now a certified Celebrity Link!

February 27, 2002

Hello hello!
First of all, if you haven't voted for the IMAs, do it now.

There's a new piece of Caroline's fanart in the 'let me count the ways' section.
I added some new details to the biography, thanks to Orlando Bloom Paradise.
And I rearranged the links section to make it a little less busy looking.

And that's about it.  I'll have more time to update this weekend.
I hope everything's well in the world.  Goodnight.

February 24, 2002

We've had over 1000 visitors!  Thank you for taking interest in my page!

Well, I finally found some time to update this weekend.
I added three final pictures to the "picture book".
Coming Soon: Orlando's Picture Book, Volume II

I finally started getting some fanart submissions.  Thanks guys!  Please check out the new artwork in the "let me count the ways" section.

And speaking of fanworks, a new "oddities" section is also open.  It contains all the miscellaneous Orlando obsession items that don't really fit in any catagory at all.  Check it out!

February 22, 2002

I've had quite a busy week, so I haven't done much updating.  My visitor counter has been skyrocketing, though!  100+ hits a day!
Thanks for supporting my site!

I should have some time this weekend to add to the "let me count the ways" section.  I've been working on a new piece of fan art and I also have to scan in a fantastic valentine I received on Valentine's Day.

Exclusively for 'Dare to be English'...
An Orlando Bloom Look-a-like!

February 18, 2002

I've spent quite a bit of time updating this weekend.  The biggest improvement is the Picture Book.  It's finally where I wanted it to be when I first created this page three weeks ago.  But there's only room for three more images, which means Volume II will soon be up and running.

I'm constantly adding new tidbits of information to the biography, including an image of that infamous "nine" tattoo (thanks to Orlando Bloom >> Online!) so be sure to check back there frequently.

The fan art section is a little bit larger.  I added three new images of mine.  You can access it through the "Let Me Count the Ways" page.  I'm still waiting for more submissions, though.

And finally, the "move on" section has been changed.  You can now contact orlando, contact me, or go to other links.

February 16, 2002

I've updated quite a bit in the past week.  Unfortunately, I haven't been keeping tabs on it, since I've been working on 3 different computers.  The Picture Book is going through some changes right now, but I hope to be done with that by the end of the weekend.  I've added about 18 links to the "move on" page.  Please take the time to check out all the other fantastic Orlando pages listed. 

I'm up to about 60+ hits per day right now.  I'm really flattered that people are visiting my webpage.  Thank you very much!

Also, I'd like to start adding fanworks to the "let me count the ways" page.  If you have anything you'd like to submit, please e-mail me!

February 10, 2002

A lot has happened in 3 days!  Almost every link is running smoothly.  I hope you will take some time to check out all the things this site has to offer.

February  7, 2002
Welcome to Dare To Be English, a site devoted entirely to the life and times of Orlando Bloom.  Since this is my first webpage and it is still yet a baby (created 2/3/02) expect the first few weeks of its existance to be slow and rough.  Feel free to browse around, although I can't promise you much as of right now.  I hope you will visit later when this site has progressed.  Thank you.
Site Created and Maintained by Gwen Robson
Site Owner is in no way affiliated with Orlando Bloom.
Created 2/3/02
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