Quick Stats:

Name:  Orlando Bloom,
named after Virginia Woolf's book "Orlando"
Nicknames:  Orli ; O.B.
Birthdate: January 13, 1977
Birthplace: Canterbury, Kent, England
Height: 5'11"
Age: 25
Father: Harry Bloom,
passed when Orlando was 4
Mother: (missing information)
Mrs. Bloom keeps a scrapbook of Orlando's accomplishments.
Siblings: Sister, Samantha,
an actress, two years older than him
Pets: Dog, Maude
Hobbies: Skydiving, bungee jumping, paragliding, surfing, snowboarding, and photography.
Favorite Color: Yellow

Mini Biography:

Born in 1977 in Canterbury, Orlando Bloom's plans of becoming an actor developed quite early.  After realizing that Superman, played by Christopher Reeve, was actually an actor, he thought, "that's for me, mate".  It was this drive that got him into the highly acclaimed Guildhall School of Music and Drama.  In 1993 he moved to London to improve his career, doing bit parts in TV series like "Casualty" or "London's Burning".

His first memorable appearance, a cameo in the critically acclaimed movie
Wilde (1997), earned him - only 20 years old by that time - various film offers, which he all turned down in favor to play theatre for about three years.  On stage, he appeared in plays like "The Seagull", "Twelfth Night", and "Trojan Women".  Peter Jackson then "discovered" the classically handsome Bloom for his much-hyped Lord of the Rings (2001) Trilogy in 1999.

After doing three movies with Jackson, he's worked with Ridley Scott on
Black Hawk Down (2002), and with Mark Mylod on Ali G in da House (2002), co-starring with Andre Schneider, a young German actor he's been admiring for a while then.  They both came together again in the lackluster Lullaby of Clubland (2002), "just to do another film together".  Bloom lives in London with his dog, Maude, who he "misses like mad" when he's away from.

A List of Firsts:

First Job:  A clay trapper at age 13.  (Launches clay disks for rifle target practice.)  "It was fun to be out in the fresh air."

First Car:  A deep-green VW Golf, which he bought for 160 quid (about $230) at an auction in London.  "I still wish I had it.  I loved that car."

First CD:  Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians.  'Thriller' was his first 45.

First Concert: Jamiroquai at a gig in his hometown, Canterbury.

First Film: 
Superman, but Stand By Me really got him into acting.

First Hollywood Crush:  Linda Evans -- Orlando used to watch
Dynasty as a kid.

First Starstruck Moment:  "At a Radiohead concert at the Hollywood Bowl.  It reconfirmed my belief in creativity, art, and music."

Other facts about Orlando:

-He has three tattoos, including the famous "9" (pictured below) in Elvish script, which the 9 members of the
LOTR Fellowship got, all in various places.  Orlando's tattoo is on the inside of his right forearm (also quoted was being on his wrist).  He also has a tiny sun tattooed below his belly button and the third is "tattooed in a secret place.  I'm not going to say anymore..."
Special thanks to Orlando Bloom >> Online for the image.

-Orlando holds a close friendship with Andre Schneider.

-He has a wonderful dog, Maude.
(pictured right)
Special Thanks to Bloomin' Marvelous for the Image!

-He's a vegetarian.

-He was dating his "
Lullaby of Clubland" girlfriend Joanne Morley
until she left him for his best friend Andre.  **Author's Side Note:
What was she thinking?**

-Our favorite guy was voted #19 in the F.M. Magazine's Top 50 list of the sexiest Brit Actors (2001).  **Author's Side Note: What were THEY thinking?  Try #1...**

-Three years ago, Orlando took quite a tumble out of a friend's window and fell three stories onto a roof terrance.  After crushing one vertebra and fracturing three others,  Orlando's doctors thought he might never walk again.  But after an operation, he walked out of the hospital 12 days later on crutches.

-This kid is prone to accidents!  During the filming for
LOTR, Orlando fell off his horse and broke one of his ribs.  All the doctors could offer him was pain killers.

-Orlando didn't actually audition for the part of
Legolas in LOTR.  He went for the role of Faramir, Boromir's brother.  After a few months passed, he lost hope of any role, when suddenly he recieved a call saying that the part of Faramir would not be available, but they were wondering if he'd audition for Legolas.  He re-auditioned, and two days before graduating drama school, he got the part.

-Orlando's a wee bit out of it.  He doesn't own a computer, and last I heard, he didn't have a TV.

-Orlando won "Best Debut:
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" at the Empire Awards in England. 
His exceptance speech
(thanks to Orlando Bloom Addicted)
"This is surreal.  Oh my word, thank you so much.  It's crazy because I got an oppertunity out of Drama School to go and work on Lord of the Rings.  That doesn't come around very often, and I've been forever grateful to the hundreds and thousands of people who felt that they wanted to make Lord of the Rings--Peter Jackson, Frances Walsh, his writing partner, for seeing some pointy-eared quality in me, my agent Fiona, and my family and friends who I just love.  And the readers of Empire--because I think I love you too now."

-Orlando has become the most searched actor on the Internet Movie Database, and has held that title since the release of Lord of the Rings in December.

-Orlando took a polaroid picture every day of the 15 months of filming The Lord of the Rings.  **Author's Side Note:  And when will these be compiled and released?**

-Orlando was quite taken by Liv Tyler when they first met, and they ended up becoming good friends.  In fact, the reason he had a mohawk (besides giving the appearance of a raised hairline) was because Liv suggested it to him.

-Did anyone else notice the lack of Orlando at the 74th Annual Academy Awards?  It's been reported that he, Billy Boyd, and Dominic Monaghan were snubbed by the Academy Awards Organizers and were refused tickets at the Oscars.  Even though they flew 3,500 miles to join their fellow actors, these three darling boys wouldn't let that get them down.  "I'm going out to get drunk anyway," added Orlando.

-It is rumored that Orlando has QUIT smoking and now bites his nails.  **Author's Side Note: A man after my own heart...I'm so proud of him!**

Personal Quotes:

(On salary.) "I don't care much about the money at all.  Frankly, if I get the chance to kiss someone in a movie, they wouldn't need to pay me at all."  **Author's Side Note: I can act.**

"Basically, I can say that I came to acting because of the women."  **Author's Side Note: Orlando was later quoted as saying "No, that's a joke"**

"Never eat a Mars Bar offered to you by Schneider, Andre."  **Author's Side Note: Never date a girl who likes your best friend.**

(On his character
Legolas and the way he moves.)  "Legolas doesn't speak a lot -- he prefers to let his actions speak for him.  Legolas' moves are smooth and elegant, like a cat.  You know how cats jump and land steadily on their paws? That's what I'm trying to do.  There's a strength in that, but it's very balletic.  It's also bloody hard to do without falling over!"

(On his character
Legolas.)  "He's the eyes and ears of the Fellowship."

"It's all very surreal.  I've had two very fantastic experiences.  In
Lord of the Rings and in Black Hawk Down.  I feel very lucky.  I'm sort of doubly excited."

(On Elvish clothing.)  "The Elves prefer to wear a mixture of greens and browns as a disguise, to keep themselves camouflaged against the trees.  I tend not to wear jerkins and tight pants and gauntlets myself, but, funnily enough, since
Lord of the Rings I've really gotten into the color green."

(Reflecting on Tolkien's Trilogy.)  "I got half way through the books and got a little distracted by girls."

(On the Movie Industry.)  "It does seem like a good time to be in the business."  **Author's Side Note: It seems like a good time to be a fan, too.**

LOTR casting.)  "On Rings, if you were short you were cast as a Hobbit, and if you were tall you were cast as a human.  And if you were kinda weird and mousy looking, you were cast as an elf."  **Author's Side Note: ...quite an attractive rodent...**

(On the humorous behind-the-scenes antics of LOTR.)  "We have these digs at each other.  Viggo will go on about Elves and how they're always doing their nails and brushing their long, blonde hair, and being prissy.  And I just say: Well, at least I'm going to live forever!  Got that?  LIVE FOREVER!"

(More humorous behind-the-scenes antics...)  "Vig used to call me 'elf-boy', and I'd call him 'filthy human'.  As an Elf, I never got a scratch on me, never got dirty.  And Vig would come out with blood and sweat all over him.  And he'd say to me, 'Oh go manicure your nails!'."

"I'm rather accident-prone, I have to admit.  I've broken my back, my ribs, my nose, both my legs, my arm, my wrist, a finger and a toe and cracked my skull three times."  **Author's Sidenote: Sweet Lord, how are you still alive?**

(Reflecting on balancing relationships with his profession...)  "I think that it's something you have to learn how to manage.  The sad thing is sometimes relationships have to suffer.  It isn't easy to be uprooted from your friends and family constantly, but I love what I'm doing.  You have to go whole-heartedly into it...I sort of feel like I'm married to my career at the moment.  I'm aware of just trying to keep my eye on the ball."

"I'm a complete technophobe, which is why I don't have e-mail, but my mum wants me to start my own webpage."  **Author's Side Note:  I'll help!**

(On Orlando's sudden popularity)  "My agent says she's wading through bags of fan mail in my absense.  We're trying to send pictures and other stuff about me to as many people as possible.  The enormity of it is only just hitting me.  I've spent the last few weeks in India, so to be honest, I'm only now realizing the craziness.  After all the hype, I went to hang out for Christmas and New Years.  In fact, a couple of the Hobbits came with us, and we relaxed.  We just had a laugh... I find it amazing that people get so excited.  I have no idea how my life is going to change, though."  **Author's Side Note:  ...and I wasn't invited, because...?**

(After being asked if anyone kissed on the set of LOTR)  "Not that I know of, but I did ask for love scenes between Liv and myself"  **Author's Side Note:  Oh, Liv... that clever slag!**

                       **Yellow Text-
Information added in the last update.**
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Created 2/3/02
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