Site Created and Maintained by Gwen Robson
Created 2/3/02
Lullaby of Clubland
Mikey Myers

Written by:
Zaha Radid

Orlando's character: 

Carl is a gay runaway from Manchester who stumbles into the hot and steamy nights of London's Asian Underground.  He is puzzled by the strange relationship between Sadie and Jean, a couple he meets at a hip club, and falls in love with a hustler from Piccadilly Square.  One night, while painting the town, the four friends do a cocktail of ecstacy and LSD which leads Carl into a frenzy that no-one will survive.

Written by:  Anonymous
Posted on:
Release Dates:

UK-  August 31, 2002
Cananda-  November 2, 2002
Ireland-  November 2, 2002
Italy-  November 2, 2002
South Africa-  November 2, 2002
US-  November 2, 2002
Australia-  December 28, 2002
Norway-  December 28, 2002
Sweden-  December 28, 2002
Special thanks to the International Movie Database for the information.
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