Gospel of St. Vaast-Prague-late 800's Gospel of St. Vaast-Prague-late 800's


Being a series of pages dedicated to scribal arts of calligraphy and illumination in the Society for Creative Anachronism.

Gospel of St. Vaast-Prague-late 800's

Once exposed to original scribal work, I became fascinated by the manufacture of period-style scrolls in context of the SCA and set to researching as much as I could. Despite the dearth of online information on the subject, I was terribly disappointed to find that almost all of it (particularly the illumination sections) were geared specifically towards the SCA and not towards using period models within the context of the Society. This website is an attempt to synthesize periodicity with practicality concerning scribal endeavors.

Gospels of St. Francis-France-late 800's
Scroll design through period
Gospels of St. Francis-France-late 800's
Period legal texts and SCA scroll texts
Gospels of St. Francis-France-late 800's
Some examples of period grants and writs
Gospels of St. Francis-France-late 800's
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