Fan Photo Gallery
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These gallery pages are dedicated to the posting of Leon photos taken by fans. 
Due to bandwidth restrictions, I can no longer accept new photos.

Gallery Page 2:  Jom & Joja's Leon Pix

Gallery Page 3: Ray Frantz's Leon Pix

Almost Louisville 2003

Wildwood Lifer Gathering 2003

Wildwood 2003 Pix

Louisville 2004 - Jim Porter's Emporium

Covington, KY 2004 - The Madison Theater

Page 1

Taken on the mean streets of Louisville, KY by ej on October 6th, 1998.

Banner outside Coyote's entrance, 1998.

Leon's Bus parked behind Coyote's in Louisville, October 1998.

Durned truck got in the way!

Coyote's (aka O'Malley's Corner) pre-show.

Leon's only appearance in Owensboro, KY, to-date.

Courtesy of Rick Colburn at Cain's Ballroom in Tulsa.

Raising even more cane at Cain's Ballroom               Leon's back with Sugaree & Teddy Jack --Rick Colburn

Sorry Ted, but it's the only picture I had.  - Courtesy of Rick Colburn

Courtesy of Mary Nell.

Courtesy of Rick Taylor.

Leon's daughter & son: Sugaree & Teddy Jack
Teddy Jack Bridges

Courtesy of Pat from the Leon Russell Mailing List

Leon & crew at the Magic Bag in Ferndale, Michigan on December 3, 1999, were supplied by Jeremy

Left to Right: Johnny Lee Giles, Jackie Wessel, 
Sugaree, & Leon

Jack, Sugaree, & Leon


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