Jom and Joja's Leon Pix

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I'd like to thank, Jim and Georgia for providing these delightful pictures and remembrances from their many interactions with Leon.

Jom & Joja & Leon
Joja & Leon
Georgia & Sugaree & Teddy Bridges
Sugaree & Leon
Teddy Jack
Ambrose Campbell and Jack Wessel
They've been with Leon longer than anyone.
Jumpin' Johnny Giles
John Giles 
and Jack Wessel

Jack Wessel and 
Teddy Jack Bridges

Sugaree Bridges 
& the Mr. Bridges

Leon portrait & artist
Ambrose Campbell

Gallery Page 1
Gallery Page 2:  Jom & Joja's Leon Pix
Gallery Page 3: Ray Frantz's Leon Pix

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