Leon Lifer Show

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The Leon Lifer Show is now history.  A FANTASTIC time was had by all who came.

Special kudos, recognition, and our love to Mary Nell and Darrell Mahone for their organizational skills, time, and effort in making this event the phenomenal success it was. Lest we not forget, thank yous to the other Lifers who provided their services in support of this project.

MN & Darrell on stage
Leon's Entrance
and Stage Hands?
The Band
All too late, 
Clod ej suspects that  Jack Wessel is 
up to something
cej & Jack Wessel showing the importance of being earnest
Jack Wessel, Ambrose Campbell, 
& cej
Sweet Emily & cej

How wuz I supposed to know I was on her foot!?

She Who Must Be Obeyed!
And the love of my life!
The Usual Suspects:
Dame Roberta & Sir Rick
John Giles at Double Tree
"Where's the BUS!?"
Rick Colburn

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws