Ankhesenpaaten and Tutankhamun

I can't even being to say how many sketches of these two I have. this one was at the very beginning of the book. Both are pencil. I translated the phonetic hieroglyphs at the bottom.....

They read:

Thee (name.. I'm unsure...????),
Thy youthful face lives in my heart.

I'd like to know what the heck I was thinking back then!!! Needless to say i have my own archaeology to do. Too many darn hieroglyphs that I have to re- translate now.

Here's the happy couple again...and yes they are happy...smiling again...

Done in pencil and in one of the many affectionate poses I've drawn them.

There is to be no doubt as to the fact that they were indeed in love...a glimpse at Tut's golden shrine tells us that as it is filled with touching scenes of them both sharing time together.


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