
UPDATED 12/20! Medea Costume sketches just added!

Welcome to my Art page, which I have converted into an online portfolio. I have rethought and reorganized this page so it will be easier to view specific works. Click on the thumbnail sketches below the titles to see a larger version, as well as a brief description. You will notice that I have this page grouped into two sections. The first is my more illustrative/graphic work; the second is my sketches and photos. If you wish to view my online resume, enter through the picture below.
RIB related artwork, is scattered throughout...take a look at the flier section, the illustrations, the CD covers, and fashion sketches.



Romell of RIB

Robert Smith

The pictures below are what I guess I should call my "Slick Idiot" series.....
all of these pieces are actually housed on my fansite for them. As geocities is being a pain in the ass and messing up my links for this site EVERY time I upload, I have included only the link to the actual art page on my Slick Idiot fansite -
You can view all of them there (plus others), just look for the table below.

Costume Designs

Here's some art from my costume design class...the table below holds my
drawings for Medea, an ancient greek play.

Web Graphics

To see my crow related artwork, click here.

Tape/CD covers


Makeup Designs



Fashion Photo Gallery

I'm working on updating this section at's been down for a little bit now. More later.


Amarna Art

Recently I unearthed a huge batch of drawings from when I was 12. I thought it might be interesting for my readers to see how I used to draw and how it affects my art now. I still see its influence in my style today....I have had a hard time selecting a few good samples, as I filled an entire notebook (and countless backs of schoolwork...damn i was prolific) with faces of Egyptians from the Amarna Age (18th dynasty) Hope you all enjoy these.




Tut and Ankhesen

the mourning scenes(???)

Amarna sisters

Want to learn more about Amarna and better understand what the heck my
drawings are about? Visit this Ankhesenamun page for history and details.

Thank you for visiting!

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 Hey! Careful with that thing!
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