November, 11  2001
Added a page dedicated to DRAGONFEST 2000. A few phots from the avent that Michiko attended as an invited guest. A lot of fun for her fans and her as well. 

October 28, 2001
As some of you may have notice, we have temporarily removed the "Autograph Page". There seems to be some situation that has been plaguing the local Post office since the PO Box was set up. So until that issue is rectified, I am removing the link and the page. Those of you that have had your requests for autographs and photos returned to you, we apologize from the bottom of our hearts. We promise to have this situation corrected soon.

October 03,2001
Bored out of my mind. So I redesigned the intro / splash page. I think it looks better. Less busy, yet still colorful. I don't know, I'm biased. Let me know what you think.

June 17, 2001
Added a page  of behind the scenes photo's from the "2001 World Stunt Awards". For those of you who watched the show last night, here's a better chance to see Michiko and what see was wearing (for those fashion minded of you, few as you may be). To see the actual web site and do any investigating on your own you can check it out HERE

June 1, 2001
Added a new bit of info to the News page. Things are looking very good for our beloved Maiden.

April 7, 2001
I hope you all caught Michiko's appearance on "The Tonight Show" this past Thursday. If not, I've got frame captures for you to gawk at. Heck, gawk at 'em even if you did see it. This is what we're all here for isn't it?! Check out the Photo Gallery!

March 28, 2001
Just wanted to say thanks to all of you that took the time to e-mail me here with your kind words on the new design. I know that the search engine thing is going to be a pain for a while. But sooner or later (most probably the later), those good folks at Google, Alta Vista and the rest will read my numerous pleas, and to their frigging jobs!!!

Feb,  22, 2001
Welcome to the new home of the Temple. We have vacated the old URL.
For those of you unwilling to wait for the complete changeover, the old site is still operating (at least the front page is) for at least the next month. But all the other pages are now part of  the new address. I'm tired and cranky, so I'll leave it up to you fans out there to alert me of any broken links.

Feb. 1, 2001
Got bored again and redesigned the entire site (as you've more than likely already noticed). I've always been dissatisfied with the original logo so that was the first thing changed. Backgrounds are all new as is the general layout. But don't complain, the usual objects of desire and need are still on display here.

Jan 31, 2001
Okay guys and gals, here's an opportunity for further wallow in our mutual fascination with the Maiden of Mayhem. Michiko is now offering personally autographed photos. Check out THIS page for more details.

Jan. 30, 2001
Finally did it. MORE PICTURES!!! Yippee!! The gallery is getting full. And as an extra bonus, a new update on the News section.

Nov. 29, 2000
Thanks to a fan from across the Pacific, I've been able to upload a new photo of Michiko circa 1984. A classy and (cough, can I say this about my adopted sister) sexy little mag cover.

Oct. 1. 2000
Updated and added more photos (screen captures, good ones too) on the "Whore & Policewoman" section of the "Photo Gallery"

Sept. 28, 2000
Added Link to A great site with reviews of Michiko's films (including lots of frame captures, Including some of which I can't post here). Check it out on the News Page

Sept. 27, 2000
Finally did something worthwhile and started this update page. Now you folks can easily see what's happening at a glance. Hopefully!

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