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Credit goes to The Complete Guide To Middle Earth, by Robert Foster, without which this page would not be what it is.

Note: This page is still under construction!

Race: Maiar
Aliases: Valaraukar
Description: Balrogs were Spirits of Fire, Maiar who rebelled with Morgoth. They had whips of flame, and were cloaked in darkness. Some say they have wings, but no definitive information has been found. It says in the FotR that "the shadow about it reached out like two vast wings". It also says in the same chapter, "and it's wings were spread from wall to wall". Enough about that :). Most of the Balrogs were destroyed in the Great Battle, but some escaped underground, like the Balrog of Moria (Also known as Durin's Bane).

Aliases: (Among others) Kh�zad, Naugrim, Nogothrim
Description: One of the Free Peoples. Aul� made the Seven fathers of the Dwarves in his impatience for the Children of Il�vatar (Elves) to appear. They slept until the Elves finally did appear. Dwarves were short, stocky, and strong, and were lovers of precious metals and the like. The Dwarves were great craftsmen and miners, and often went to war. They did not like riding horses, but prefered to stay on Terra Firma. Prone to anger, but they could not be dominated by evil. They had a weakness for gold and gems, and works of great craft. Dwarves lived to about 250 years, but some lived much longer. They married at about 100. Dwarf women looked like Dwarf men, and could not be discerned from them.

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