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MiddleEarth Poll
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The Hobbit
The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
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The Book of Lost Tales 2
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More Coming SOON! Check Back Often! The Site Is Dedicated To J.R.R Tolkien's Middle Earth.

April 3rd, 2001

I just added a new ezBoard forum. Check it out, and start posting!
Go to the MiddleEarth Forum

April 1st, 2001

I've added some sounds to the site. You can find them by going to the Downloads section. I've also updated the Links page. This site is still in production, so I'd like to know what YOU think of it! Send me an e-mail! [email protected].

March 29th, 2001

I have updated the MiddleEarth section. I now have a full map of MiddleEarth, and unfinished versions of the Characters, Creatures, and Locations pages. I will continue updating the pages as I work on them.

Any comments? Criticism? Mistakes? Let Me Know!


Who was the sixth King of N�menor?
(The answer can be found somewhere in this site)


Coming Summer 2001 - Take The Journey!

Learn about the People of MiddleEarth, in the Characters section!

Vote for the site at The 25 Hobbits

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