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10/27 - Blessed Sacarment

This was a cool show. We went into it way pissed off due to drummer things and no one knew what they were doing for setting up wise. It was kinda un-organized and we were the people that it got organized with so we were kinda stressed out when we went into it. We opened for House Arrest - which they played a very super long ass set, Diatribe, Infandous, and DefaceD. It was a great Halloween show and we went as A Process of Becoming. Look for pics on that soon! We kinda trimmed down our set a little just for time purposes. It was tons of fun and we had a semi-big crowd. Defaced had something very rude happen to them. The power was shut off on their last song. It was bull shit and I hate those fuckers! Andy's dad was a little pissed and people were bitching him out, as they should but whatever! Just to let anyone know, if anyone shuts us down like what was done to Defaced, they will be hit with a mic stand by me. Thanx to Andy and Sam for putting it together! We <3 You. - Chris
Set list
APOB intro
Our Intro
Consider this Beauty
Chop Suey!



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