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2/4 United Chruch of Christ

"Like I said, our band is taking it real slow and is not going to dive into the music scene head first. We've been doing some small shows and just some underground gigs that were only telling a few people about. Andy and I played at my chruch and it fuckin' rocked. We played "Consider this Beauty" and it was a huge aderenline rush. We played while everyone was writting things to pray about. We started the song off slow and slowly built it into an unexecpted heavy shit. We didn't screw up at all and went way way super good. I have this new load of confidence now and I can't wait to do more little shows like this. We played in front of about 50 people from different chruches gathered for worship and it was fuckin' incredible. I've never ever gotten such a high. Caleb, me and Andy will be playing again Feb. 18th in my chruch Sunday Morning and anyone who wants to come hear us play is more than welcomed too. Service begins at 10:15 and we prolly won't wind up playing til around 10:45 or so." - Chris "Oh yeah, special thanx to Cam for his support at the gig, thanx a ton for making time for us man, we love ya dude!"

"Consider this Beauty" - LiveDownload

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