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Gig 5/? - The Waterloo Center for the Arts

This was a talent show we did. Me and Andy tried out with Consider This Beauty knowing we were gonna play something totally different. Orgianlly, we wanted to do Buddy Holly and Say it Ain't So Medely but we got lazy and never put Buddy Holly together. So the night of the show, I'm super pumped. We bought along Tim to do drums for us, godbless you Tim, and we went up on there and rocked the place super hard. My guitar went outta tune when I jumped when the song went into the bridge but I adjusted it. We did a quick 30 second sound check with "Change in the house of flies" and people thought that was the song we were playing. People started applauding and we were all like what the fuck? I had a great time playing the show and I always get the hugest rushes playing in front of people that don't like the kinda music we play. Its a great feeling to rock their asses. - Chris

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