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Gig 7/26, The Boathouse

This was a super fun gig. I had a blast. We opened up with Cursed and went into Consider This Beauty. My cord was kinda fucked up and my amp I was using sounded like shit and my guitar kept going outta tune. With all this happening, it totally did not ruin my night or the energy I got while playing. It takes more than a fucked up cord and a fuckd up guitar that don't stay in tune to ruin a show. I had a blast. We then went into "My Broken Heart" Aka The Makeout song. Then I did something I normally don't do and that is SING. I did a corny love song for Leann and it went good. I made acouple slip ups but overall it was good and I got a nice crowd response from people, even though half of them went outside when I started playing that. We then went into =W=, our trademark song, then into our heavy metal song! It was great and I got alot of energy and al lthe hard work of putting together paid off. We met Deranged which is the greatest band ever and are now like some of my best friends. We totally clicked with them and they are a great set of people! Tommy - keep it real with the video making and NEVER let anyone influence your views. You're a great guy and Manson forever! Matt - you are the shit and you are awesome at guitar. Next show we do together, can you say METALLICA MEDELY? Sheresa - You're very beautiful and an execellent drummmer. Loves the double bass shit you do, it rox! Steve, you're the man man, thanx a ton cuz without u, i totally woulda not met your band and I'm way glad i did. DERANGED FOREVER! - Chris

I like rock n' roll - K-lib



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