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Gig 8/19 - Chris' Chruch

This was a cool gig and was kinda our first real show with Bryan. Again, we like to start off slow and doing this chruch show was fun. We played "Consider this Beauty" which is a big crowd pleaser with the older folks and we played a hard-core riff that I made up a couple days before. We used a little distrition and turned our levels down on our pedals. Consider went great and we played it flawlessly, but the other hard-core song, I got way scared in and couldn't figure out how to play the first four notes. We got it out and it went alright. Kinda sounded shitty with the low heavyness but were not total assholes when it comes to toning it down a little. It was a fun gig and we got alot of nice compliments. - Chris

It was way funny when the organ player played part of Consider this Beauty. I wrote this but I know you are just going to copy and paste. - Andy



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