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Instrument: Guitar/Keyboards
Status: Single, waiting for Ms. Right
Favorite Resturant: China Wok
Favorite band: Metallica
Influences: Slayer, Metallica, C.o.C, Eternal Decision, Meatloaf, Beach Boys, Weezer, Violent Femmes, Richard Marx, Bryan Adams, Hangnail
Favorite Local bands: Shiver, Innocence Broken, The Eggnogs, A process of becoming, Defaced, Midnight Initiation Ceremony Side Projects: Played cello with Shiver on a song, writing music for Zach Mosers short animation film, playing Sega. Recording a cello track with Infandous.

Guitars Chris uses: For stuido work Chris likes to use his Ephiphone SG, his Austin Les Paul and his Fender American Stratacaster. For live shows, Chris uses his Ephiphone SG, his Austin Les Paul, and his Fender American Strat. For practing, Chris uses a Ephiphone SG, his Austin Les Paul, and his Fender Strat. Chris uses a soon to be owned Crate Blue Vodoo 4-12in Cab with a Crate GX-1200h head.
Chris usually brings in alot of the guitar riffs that are used for songs. He writes alot of the solos in songs as well. He brings in alot of the softer aspects of Midnight Initiation Ceremony. Chris usually oraganizes shows for M.i.C and composition of songs. 9024463163

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