Welcome at this Wezsite - the site about the character Wez from Mad Max 2 (The Road Warrior), played by actor Vernon Wells
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Appeared in: Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
Played by:
Vernon Wells
!!! To see loads of other pictures of Wez, go to the Wez Picture Page !!!
There's also a discussion forum, about Wez and Vernon Wells!
Wez is part of a marauding motor gang that terrorizes an oil refinery camp. The leader of the gang is called The Humungous and Wez is second in command. Wez appears in the first chase scene, where he is chasing Max on a motor, with Golden Youth* sitting at the back. When he rides next to Max's car and prepares to fire, another one fires. Max hits the brakes and Wez gets the arrow in his arm. He later pulls it out, in full view for Max to see. When he wants to attack, he sees Max's gun and goes away.
When later Max is on a hill overviewing the refinery and the marauders camp, we can see through Max's binoculars Wez heavily gesticulating to the Humungous. He is probably telling his leader what happened earlier on.
The next day, when some cars break out of the refinery camp, Wez leads a chase of one car. He shoots two arrows at the driver while others occupy themselves with the other driver, a woman. Then he takes off on his bike with his boyfriend* at the back.
Then later, the whole gang of the Humungous comes to negotiate with the people at the refinery. To show that nothing can escape, Wez very quickly shoots a rabbit, with much delight. When he later  tries to shut up a hostage, the Feral Kid throws his boomerang at Wez, but misses. He tries again and kills the Golden Youth. Wez gets very angry, takes the boomerang out of his head and throws it at the Feral Kid but it's much too high. He then gets tired of the Humungous with his talks, he wants revenge. The Humungous calms his down and when they all leave, we can see Wez being held down, in lot of sorrow for the loss of his beloved friend.
We see Wez later, when Max drives the rig back to the refinery camp. Someone was shaving his head, but when he hears the rig driven by Max, he jumps on the side of a motorbike and chases the rig. He then climbs it and smashes the door window and tries to stop Max. But Max drives the rig inside the refinery camp. Wez does some acrobatic stunts to get off the rig. When The Humungous shouts: the gate! Wez repeats that command. Then he sees The Quiet Man shooting an arrow and attacks him. When Max takes over the flame thrower, Wez threatens him: "You, you can run, but you can't hide!". The Feral Kid throws his boomerang again at Wez, but misses again. When the whole camp turns to confront him, he is saved because the gyrocaptain comes down, over his head, to land. Wez decides to leave: an arrow, the boomerang: it is becoming too dangerous. He gets out, disappointed that he couldn't do more.
At night, when Max leaves the camp in his black V-8 Interceptor, Wez awakes, his face is covered in war paint. He runs to the Humungous machine and the Humungous is furious as Wez drives the vehicle off in pursuit of Max. When they overtake Max, Wez swings a chrome pipe down through the front windscreen. Max's car rolls over, off the road into a gully. Wez commands The Toadie ("Toadie, the gas") and another marauder not to kill Max (don't waste him; if he's alive, I want him"). When the boobytrapped car explodes, Wez thinks it's all over ("It's all over, let's go") and they go away.
The day after, the refinery camp people are ready to break out. The marauders are ready to stop them and want to get hold of the tanker, which, as they believe, is filled with gasoline. Wez is tied up to the Humungous machine, probably a punishment for stealing it the night before. Later in the chase he is released and immediately jumps on another vehicle. He throws a hook that tears off the rig's door.
He shoots at the tanker's tyres and later on he also killed the Warrior Woman to much of his delight. Later on he helps another marauder to climb on the tanker and then climbs it himself. When he is standing on top of the rig, swaying some weapon, and when Max hits the brakes, he falls off in front. Later when the Feral Kid crawls out of the window to get some bullets that are lying there, Wez appears from the front of the rig, screaming loud. The the Humungous machine is accelerating, driving towards the rig and the two vehicles collide, killing The Humungous and the rig falls to one side. Max and The Feral Kid crawls out of the rig to finds that there was only sand in the tanker, no gasoline...
Most people believe that Wez also died in the crash. That's all myth. The story is told by that feral kid, who had his own concerns when the crash happened. How could he know if Wez died or not. Wez could also have jumped right off that tanker! So: WEZ STILL LIVES!!!!

It seems that Wez really was supposed to live on. Read all about it in the
Mighty Wez Forum thread  "Wez was supposed to live on".
Fan fiction about Wez and his son or lover, the Golden Youth*, can be found through this link
* Whether the Golden Youth is Wez' boyfriend or not, has been discussed at the discussion forum, here and here.
* For movie references to Wez, see the "Wez' heritage" page on this site or the reference page on www.madmaxmovies: Wez was referenced in "Weird science", by Vernon Wells himself. Also in "Power Rangers Time Force", Vernon Wells plays Ransik, who looks quite like Wez. So you can see: Wez lives on.... In the sequel to Mad Max 2, Mad Max beyong Thunderdome, a very Wez-like type, called Ironbar, plays a quite similar role as Wez, as you can see at the page mentioned above (the heritage page).
* Also, some people seem to imitate his looks, as you can see on the
* If you would like to discuss about various topics on Wez or Vernon Wells, please go to the
Mighty Wez Discussion Forum!
By the way, Wez is also discussed by fans and their opposers in a Forum thread on the Mad Max Movies site - mainly comparing him to the Ironbar character from MM3. It's quite interesting to read. Wez's motives and stuff like that are also discussed a bit. Although it's a pity not many people seem to think he survived, like he did....
The Wezsite story
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