The making of this "Wezsite"
My name is Audrey. I come from Maastricht, which is a nice old town in the Netherlands and I'm now living in another town in the same country, called Nijmegen.

One of my hobbies are movies, and my favourite movie is, of course, Mad Max 2 (The Road Warrior). The first time I saw that movie was about ten years ago (on BBC) and immediately I was fascinated by the character Wez. I didn't like, and still dont' like, the idea that he had to die! Later I hired the video and copied it (yes, I know that it's illegal...) and watched it many times since. More recently (2001) I bought the official video and even more recently the DVD (I had to buy a DVD-player for it!). I still don't sympathise with the "good guys" in the movie...

When I started searching the internet for sites related to Mad Max 2 and especially Wez, I couldn't find very much, so I decided to make my own website. Then I started to look for information about Vernon Wells and I got more and more interested in his work, because I think he's a brilliant actor. I haven't seen many movies with him yet, but I liked his performance in the ones I've seen (which are, up to now: Mad Max 2, Commando, Weird Science, Innerspace, Space Truckers, Fortress [1993], Hard Justice and Bad Pack). The films he plays in are not very easily available in the Netherlands. When I have more time, I will try to hunt down more of them!

Now, since I have (August 2002) a PC in my possession with DVD-Rom, I can make my own pictures from DVD and I'm no longer dependent on other people's pictures! Pictures of Bennett (Commando), of Wez, Maddox (from Fortress), Mr Cutt (from Space Truckers) and several others have already been made and uploaded onto the site. If / when I'll find more DVD's, more pictures will follow.

As from May 2004, I added a proboards forum where fans might want to discuss various topics on Wez and Vernon Wells. You can visit this forum through
this link.

If you have any additional pictures of Wez or Vernon Wells please don't hesitate to send them to me by
e-mail - they will be added to this site as soon as possible.

The Wezsite story
Welcome at this Wezsite - the site about the character Wez from Mad Max 2 (The Road Warrior), played by actor Vernon Wells
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