The Mahumane Family
Cicilia, Delphina and Sergio Mahumane
Sergio accepted the Lord as a result of a contact during the Saturday visitation programme in 2001.  He is from Mozambique and intends to go back there to live and to minister around 2010.

Biographical Sketch:

Sergio--December 24                Cicilia--September 5                 Anniversary
Delphina--April 26, 2003           Anita--13 June 2006 (not pictured)

Prayer Requests:
1) For Sergio as he and Mike get together for discipleship and visitation on Wednesday mornings
2)  For Sergio's extended family to be saved--praise for Jose's (brother)  profession--Jose moved to Cape Town where he is attending a good Bible-teaching church.
3)  For Cicilia, Anita  and Delphina to be saved
4)  For a missionary who is planning to move to Maputo, Mozambique to get his required funds by January 2009.
Current Photos
Pictures taken from July 2007 Mozambique trip--Xai-Xai Mozambique
We visited the village of Xai-Xai in Mozambique around 4 hours up the coast from Maputo.  Above, Sergio is working with several adults who attended the service held at Sergio's father's compound.  Above, right Mike preaches while Sergio translates.  Right Emily, a Piedmont Bible College, senior teaches the children while Sergio translates.

We hope to continue training Sergio for future ministry in Mozambique.
If you would like to contact Sergio please write via regular or email c/o the Brunks
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