Current Prayer Requests
8 April 2006
1) Khosi--Pray for Khosi's husband, Johannes to be saved.  He is showing some interest in the Word; Bonisile and Samu's spiritual understanding; financial needs; twins' health
2)  For Hennie, Johannes Seitshiro and Mike as they work on the church
3) Sergio--wife to be saved; training for Mozambique; baby due in June
4)  For the Word to go forward in the
school devotional ministries and for the new Sunday School class in Thokoza
5)  For the
discipleship work with which Marie, Bernice and Mike are involved.
6)  For
Nomsa and Samu who need work and for Jackie who needs a reduction in job hours (12 hour days 7 days a week, currently)
7)  For Sergio's brother,
Jose, who professed salvation this week
8)  For
Nkosinathi that is interested in discipleship.  We are not absolutely sure of his salvation, but he continues to show real interest in the Word
9)  For the special Easter services coming up.
Isaac--re-focus on the ministry; daughter, Olivia's spiritual needs; Isaac Junior's spiritual needs
Shantell's friend, Mbali, to return to church
Johannes and Lungile's raising of their children, Musa and TK
13)  Hennie and Bernice--his health; her teaching in schools and Sunday school.
Kirsten--teaching Musa and TK on Wednesday nights; home schooling
Robertina--difficult job situation; teaching Sunday school
Jackie and Charlotte -- Bible class in their home; his work (#6); discipleship
Matheboho --growth; discipleship; unsaved family in Lesotho
Nomsa --Kamohalo to return home (he's living with his dad right now; he is currently sick and asking for mom.  Pray the Lord will use this to bring him back home); job; Auntie Arletta's salvation; Sichappa's growth
Martha -- (caretaker of school's wife)--salvation and understanding
Mrs. Maloi --spiritual needs; discipleship; family; faithfulness to church
21)  For a situation at the Tuesday Bible class in Katlehong that needs wisdom and grace to deal with.
22)  Visitor last week,
23)  For special Good Friday service and Sunrise Service this coming week
24)  For communion service on 9 April

Martha and Mrs. Maphupha.  Martha is the school caretaker's wife.  She's been coming out pretty faithfully for the past two months.  We're not sure of her salvation.  Bernice is hoping to begin discipleship with her.

Mrs. Maphupha has been slacking off recently and only attends occasionally. She's mixed up with prophecy and dream interpretation.

Photo taken 9 April 2006
Church Taxi.  As on Wednesday nights with the Bible class, a lot of time is spent transporting people to church.  We normally pick up Nkosinathi around 8 a.m., then Khosi and family and finally Nomsa and family so we can arrive at church around 8:45.  Marie and Nomsa then travel to Thokoza to hold the Sunday school class from 9-10.

Photo taken 9 April 2006
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