Ten Questions to ask when you are studying a chapter of the Bible
                                                1 Corinthians 6

1.  Who are the principal persons in this chapter?
Author Paul, brethren at Corinth, unsaved, angels, the least esteemed in the church, a wise and discerning man, one who defrauds, one who is defrauded, Jesus Christ, the Spirit, God, an harlot 

2.  What does the chapter teach concerning Christ?
Christ washes, sanctifies, justifies in His name (11)
Christ owns our bodies, and He is for our bodies (13)  --Christ was raised by the Father (14)
His body has us brethren as members (15)   --He is one spirit with the members (17)

3.  Is there, in this chapter, any example for me to follow?
Warn the brethren when you see wrong behavior (1)
Maintain a true perspective of things in the future (3) --Encourage the brethren to accept wrong (7)
Maintain a proper perspective of the standing of the saved and of the unsaved (9-11)
Be balanced and in control of what is merely lawful and what is truly expedient (12)
Maintain a perspective of eternal things versus temporal things (13)
Remember Who you belong to (15, 19, 20)  --Encourage the brethren to glorify God (20)

4.  Is there, in this chapter, any error for me to avoid?
Don�t use the unsaved or the weakest brethren to judge between brethren (1, 4)
Don�t go to law against the brethren (1, 7)
Don�t be deceived, the unsaved and sinful know nothing about the kingdom of God (9, 10)
Don�t be empowered by worldly rights (12)
Don�t desert the Lord by committing fornication (13, 15)

5.  Is there, in this chapter, any duty for me to perform?
Seek assistance from the spiritual brethren when there is need for it (5)
Flee fornication (18)   --Glorify God in your body and in your spirit (20)

6.  Is there, in this chapter, any promise for me to claim?
The saints shall judge the world (2)   --The saints shall judge angels (3)
The saints are worthy to judge matters between brethren (1, 3)
No unrighteous person shall inherit the kingdom of God (9)
The saints have been washed, sanctified, and justified by Christ from their unrighteousness (11)
God will raise up us by His own power (14)
We are members of Christ, are not our own, we�ve been bought (15, 19, 20)
We are one in spirit with Christ (17)  --The Spirit dwells in us as in a temple (19)
Negative promises:  One who is joined to a harlot is one body (16)
He that commits fornication sins against his own body (18)

7.  Is there, in this chapter, any prayer for me to echo?

8.  What is the principal subject of this chapter?
The body of Christ

9.  What is the leading lesson of this chapter?
Glorify God in your body and properly maintain the whole body of Christ

10.  Which is the best verse in this chapter?
--v 15
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