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Rules On Discipline

3.1 Code of Discipline

    Discipline means to bring to a state of order and obedience by training and control.
    BCC as an educational institution has a code of discipline to train students in good behavior and develor them the right attitude and values.

3.2 Ethics Committee

    The Administrative Team has created a special body, the Ethics Commitee , that supervises the behavior of all students. Likewise the committee investigates all reported cases of misconduct , violation of rules and regulations , ascertains all facts and impose appropriate sanctions provided by law.

General Functions:
A. to regulate the Norms of Conduct for all students , and
B. to investigate and try cases involving students to impose the corressponding penalty/sanctions for the offense committed upon meeting the urles on due process of law.

Specific Functions:

A. As an insurer of Norms of Conduct:

A.1 to ensure the proper conduct and strengthen the character of the students;
A.2 to investigate any substantiated incidents of misconduct of the students and shall render appropriate actions for such misconduct;
A.3 to impose disciplinary sanctions for violations of the Ethical Standard.

B. As a Disciplinary Committee
To receive substantiated complaints/grievances regarding the violations of rules and regulations.

3.3 Administrative Due Process

A student charged with violation of school rules and regulations is informed of the complaint against him/her and is afforded a fair reasonable opportunity to defend himself/herself. However , in case of voluntary admission or confessions of offenses committed in flagrante delicto , a decision is summarily rendered and the corresponding penalty imposed on the erring student. Furthermore , if the erring students refuses to appear or to present him/her defense , or resorts to dilatory tactics in the course of the investigation , the hearing may be conducted ex-parte.