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What is Bit Pattern?

When you type a character on the keyboard, the electronic circuitry interprets the character and stores it in the main memory as a code.

The code is a series of 'on' and 'off' signals. The 'on' and 'off' signals can be represented by the binary digits '1' and '0' respectively. So it is called bit.

Eight bits together are called one byte. So we can say that one byte holds one character. The most widely used coding system used to represent data is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). For example, the word 'HELLO' will be stored in the computer in the following pattern: 

01001000 H
01000101 E
01001100 L
01001100 L
01001111 O
To see the ACSII code table, please click     to see !


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