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Storage Device

  main memory backing store

Computer store programs and data in two different ways: Main Memory and Backing store. 

Main memory

Main memory temporarily stores programs and data that are being processed. It can be thought of as a series of storage locations.

Programs and data are made up of characters. They are stored in the memory character by character. Each character is stored in one memory location in the form of bit pattern. When you type a character on the keyboard, the electronic circuitry interprets the character and stores it in the main memory as a code.

In the past, data were stored in vacuum tubes and core memory. Today, semiconductor memory is used in almost all computers. It is so small but is very powerful.

Memory sizes

The size of the main memory is measured in kilobytes (KB), which is equal to 1024 bytes. For convenience, we sometimes round of the value of K to 1000. For example, 640 KB is approximately 640 000 bytes (640 * 1000). To measure of larger sizes, we use megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB).

1024 KB = 1MB

1024 MB = 1 GB

The storage capacity of today's drive has increased a lot. In a few years ago, the storage capacity of a typical desktop system is about 100MB. For now, the microcomputers commonly found in the market are about 64MB to 500 MB, some may even up to 1.2GB, 12 times larger, and much faster. Of course, the range of the price is also vary.

 Backing storage devices 

Backing storage devices exist to save programs an data for future processing. All programs and data are not possible to be saved in the main memory as the main memory is very expensive. Also the program may be so large that it is impossible for the main memory to hold all the data.

Backing storage devices can be treated as input/output devices. The function as input devices when stored data are transferred to the computer for processing. They function as output devices when processed results are written to them.

There are several types of common backing storage devices : floppy disk, hard disk, magnetic tape, and optical disk.

 Floppy disk 

It is made of flexible plastic material. It is coated on both sides with a magnetized substance. There are many sizes floppy disk. The most commonly used ones are now 5.25 inches and 3.3 inches. It is stored in a plastic envelope for protection, and commonly, there is a 'lock' for the protection of the data.


Floppy Formats

Although quite ubiquitous in its heyday, the 5.25" diskette gave way to the 3.5" format in the mid-1990s. Although costing less than a quarter, the 3.5" floppy is woefully undersized for today's applications.


 Hard Disk 

It is the most popular form of storage for modern computer system. It is composed of a set of circular plates and made of metal and coated with magnetized substances.

 Magnetic tape :  

There are mainly three types of magnetic types:

Reel-to-reel tape The tape is made of plastic material and is coated on one side with magnetic material. The tape passes under a read/write head where data are either read from tape or written to tape. It is only suitable for application that involve sequential processing.

The width of a tape is usually 0.5 inch and the length may vary from 180m to 730 m.

Cartridge tape It is frequently used for backing up on microcomputers. It is very fast and has a high storage capacity
Cassette tape It is a ready-to-load cassette that is exactly the same size as an audio cassette tape. The volume of data that can be stored is small.


 Optical disk 

The technology used for optical disks is the same used for audio compact disks (CDs). Information is stored using a beam of laser to burn holes in a thin coating of metal. Photos, movies and text are also be able to process.

Optical disks for computer data storage are also known as CD-ROMs (compact disk read only memory). Data are written permanently on the disk and can only be read like read on memory. Data on optical disks are not easily erased or changed.

Besides, new type of removable storage media like CDR, Zip disk and MO (magneto-optical drive) , are gaining popularity. CD-R can only write once, Zip disk and MO can write many times as an ordinary hard disk.



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