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There are mainly four types of operating system :

  1. Batch processing - Jobs, together with input data, are fed into the system in a batch. The jobs are then run one after another. It is most suitable for 'long' programs or processes that involve a large volume of data. It is inefficient if the CPU has to wait while each job is being read in.

  2. Multiprogramminga number of different jobs can be handled at the same time by the CPU. The OS can make use of the time during which a task is waiting for input/output operations. So, as the rest of the system is handling the input and output requirements of one task, the CPU works on another program. By making use of the multiprogramming system, the capacity of a given computer increases enormously.

  3. Time sharing - in a time sharing system, hundreds of terminals are connected by telephone lines to the central computer. The users are served in sequence. The operating system determines whether a user needs any CPU time, then a time slice will be available accordingly.

  4. Real-time processing - in some situations, a very fast respond is needed. We say that the computer must respond in real time. It is called real-time processing. The computer system is usually dedicated to a single application.


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