Drusilla in Sunnydale  1997-1998
Drusilla and Spike travelled to Sunnydale in hopes of restoring Drusilla back to her full health. They came to know the Anointed One who informed them of the newest Slayer, Buffy. After Spike was unsuccessful in killing her the first time, the Anointed One was disappointed in him and he was supposed to offer his life, but instead, Spike killed him. Drusilla and Spike then became in charge. Drusilla's favorite past time in Sunnydale was playing with her dolls. Her favorite was Miss Edith, whom she played with instead of hunting.
They finally discovered how, after stealing a book and a decoding cross, that she needed the blood of her sire, Angelus, to be fully restored. Willy the Snitch provided Angelus, who was now calling himself Angel, for Spike. On the night of a full in a church, Spike started the ritual. Sadly, they were interrupted by Buffy and the rest of the Scoobies. Luckily, Drusilla was restored enough, before Buffy stopped the ritual. But, while Spike was carrying her out, Buffy hit him in the head and he was injured and bound to a wheelchair for a very long time.
Drusilla's next plan was to assemble The Judge. She had planned to have a party commemerating the assembly. Once she fully assembled him, Buffy and Angel came to try and ruin everything once again but didn't succeed. Buffy then made the mistake of sleeping with Angel and he was returned to his killing ways. Angelus joined with Drusilla and Spike once again to help in destorying the world any way he could. Drusilla, Angelus, and The Judge went to the local mall and that's where the Judge began killing people. He was then killed by Buffy and the Scoobies who had a rocket launcher.
As time went by, Spike was still confined to a wheelchair and was unable to go out and hunt with Drusilla. This caused Angelus and Drusilla to come closer together. This made Spike rather jealous and soon he was able to walk around again, but he didn't tell Drusilla and Angelus about it. Drusilla soon got a vision that one of the gypsies who cursed Angelus before, was going to try again. So he stopped it and killed Jennifer Calendar. Angelus then found out about a demon who once was brought forth to swallow the world into hell. Before it could, a knight pierced it's heart and it remained dormant. Angelus and Drusilla went to the museum that was keeping this demon, Akathla, and she fed on the man there while Angelus and some other vampires stole Akathla. Angelus tried to perform the ritual, but was unsuccessful, so he sent vampires, including Drusilla, to get Giles. Kendra attacked Drusilla and she then hypnotized Kendra and slit her throat. Angelus then tortured Giles and he wouldn't give up how to do the ritual, so Drusilla came, hypnotized him, and he gave up the secret to performing the ritual. While Angelus, was performing the ritual, Buffy interrupted, and made her move. Spike had joined forces with her to stop him because he wanted Drusilla back. Spike hit Angelus with a pole until Drusilla pounced on him. He was then forced to choke her until she passed out and they escaped leaving Angelus and Buffy still fighting...
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