<BGSOUND SRC="C:\windows\desktop\my music\don't cry for me argentina.wma" LOOP=INFINITE>
Frankly Scarlet  I don't give a damn
Photograph Album

Age:      A lady Never Says.

Height:   6'  0" Without High Heels.

Size:      Mainly 12s.   36b - 28 - 37

Weight:  10 Stone  6 Pounds

Eyes:     Two - Blue-Grey.

Hair:      Still got some, various colours.
Shoe:     10s

Early Years
Well,where does one start, at the beginning, oh if I must. I was born
on the 13th. February 19??,
(You didn't think I was going to fall for that one did you),
in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire
in the UK, you know the place
where that blue and white pottery
is made, what's it called now,
oh yes Wedgwood.
(I must admit I'm getting a bit of an old bird now but who's counting).
My early life was really uneventful, my dad died when I was only four
so I never really knew him, they do say, what you've never had you never miss, so I don't suppose I felt any real loss. As a child I never liked sports
of any kind, and never got up to the thing the rest of the boys did.
I was more into the Arts, 
Music Painting and reading.
More About Me And My Vital Statistics
Later Life Took An Upturn.
My academic studies eventually came to a end
(Thank God)
and I started work, after several jobs I went into PublicTrannysport, well, all right, Public Transport,
(Trannysport sounds better)
and here the story starts.
I have been a bus driver for several years,
(Not saying how many, might give my age away).
I have had two disastrous marriages, I.E two divorces. The only bright spot is the three
children that I have had with my Ex wife,
who I love very much.
(The children not the Ex.).
Anyway, I had done some charity work
dressed as a lady and I found it great fun,
and I quite liked the experience. 
Well, in May 1999 the hammer fell,
not Maxwell's Silver Hammer, the tranny one.
(Yes I'm a fan of the Beatles)
I decided to go to Manchester to seek out
The Northern Concord, as I had found their
Webpage on the Internet, that's for me I thought.
So without more to do, I put some gear in a bag
and off I went to Manchester. I followed the A34 through to Manchester and was wondering
all the way there am I doing the right thing,
should I be doing this. Anyway, to my surprise
the A34 led right into the village where I soon
found Bloom Street and the Concord Tower
as I now affectionately call it,
(It's the Hollywood Show Bar really).
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