Movie Review 2000
Top Ten Movies
10 Bringing Out The Dead
Nicolas Cage stars in Martin Scorsese's finest movie for years. Cage plays a burned out New York paramedic in this superb black comedy, just making the Top Ten with Me, Myself & Irene, Final Destination and Scream 3 snapping at it's heels.
9 Three Kings
A brilliant Gulf War satire that was the beginning of a good year for George Clooney. His subsequent successes with Oh Brother, Where Art Thou and Perfect Storm finally saw him become the movie star he looks like, after the dismal failures, Batman and Robin and The Peacemaker.
8 Sleepy Hollow
Tim Burton and Johnny Depp re-united for the first good film of 2000, an adaptation of The Headless Horseman Of Sleepy Hollow. Ichabod Crane is the only role I've ever liked Depp in, he's much less annoying than usual as he battles the Horseman (Christopher Walken) with the beautiful Christina Ricci by his side.
7 Space Cowboys
Clint Eastwood in space! He teams up with Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland and the other one to go and rescue a Russian Communications satellite. Clint shows that he's still very, very cool ands ends up saving the World.
6 Shaft
Coolest Man In The World Samuel Leroy Jackson finally gets to be the lead in a movie. All credit to director John Singleton for the brave decision to make Shaft a cop who's a loose-cannon, who doesn't play by the rules, but still gets the job done.
5 Gone in 60 Seconds
Nicolas Cage's second entry into the Top Ten. This is his popcorn movie for the year though, whereas brining Out The Dead was his annual acting role. Not much action here for a Bruckheimer production, but it has the trademark cool characters and dialogue, plus the gorgeous Angelina Jolie and the great Vinnie Jones.
4 X-Men
Bryan Singer-helmed big-screen adaptation of the classic Marvel superheroes. The focus is very much on Wolverine, making him the coolest X-Man and guaranteeing Hugh Jackman A-List status. cannot wait for the sequel. 
3 Gladiator
A return to form for Ridley Scott as he directs dimunitive Aussie Russell Crowe as General Maximus Decimus Meridius. The CGI recreation of Ancient Rome is great, while the opening battle in Germania and gladatorial battles are fantastic.
2 Mission: Impossible 2
John Woo's best Hollywood movie yet sees IMF Agent Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) return, to stop yet another rogue agent from his own organisation. A great movie, with a brilliantly excessive Woo climax. Almost Number 1, but just beaten by...
1 Charlie's Angels
An incredibly entertaining and fun movie. Click here for the full review.
Coolest Movie Character
Quite a bit of competition for this title. A Woo-enhanced Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise,
Mission: Impossible 2) was let down by needing a sensible haircut. Frank Corvin (Clint Eastwood, Space Cowboys) put in a good performance, but Clint really needs to be shooting people to be at his best. Memphis Raynes (Nicolas Cage, Gone in 60 Seconds) cared about his little brother too much. In the end it's between John Shaft (Samuel L. Jackson, Shaft) and Wolverine (Hugh Jackman, X-Men).
In the end it has to go to Wolverine, whose retractable metal claws give him the edge.
Movie Babe of the Year
Clearly Alex (Lucy Liu) and Natalie (Cameron Diaz) from
Charlie's Angels are strong contenders here, as are Storm (Halle Berry) and Jean grey (Famke Jannsen), the X-Women. Julia Roberts is premanantly disqualified from running for her armpit hair at the Notting Hill premiere. Sidney (Neve Campbell, Scream 3) was another possibility The clear winner, however, by a mile, is The Devil (Elizabeth Hurley, BeDazzled)
Biggest Disappoinment
The Patriot could have been about ten times better than it was, a decent war movie, rather than the over-long dull period drama it turned out as. Comedy genius Ben Elton let himself down badly with his direcorial debut, Maybe Baby, mainly by leaving out some of the best bits of his own book, Inconceivable. Romeo Must Die, a martial arts version of the Bard's Romeo and Juliet should have been great, but lacked in all departments.
The most disappointing movie of the year has to be Guy Ritchie's
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels follow-up, Snatch. It didn't have the pace, great dialogue or plot of it's predecessor, and was, as a result, another in a long line of crap British comedy gangster movies. Unforgivable; more effort required, Ritchie.
Annual Popular British Movie
Billy Elliot. There's too much dancing, and it's got one of the most predictable plots ever, but for some reason everyone loves it. Especially Americans, which is, after all, how the success of a British film tends to be judged.
Most Overrated Movie
American Beauty. The trailer looked good, but then that's because it had ALL the film's funny bits in it. otherwise, it was a very poor, dull movie, that tried to convince the viewer throughout that it was really meaningful. Having a teenager who uses his camcorder to record carrier bags because he thinks they're beautiful is NOT meaningful. And Spacey's moral of the story from beyond the grave, 'make the most of every moment', is taking the piss a bit when you've just wasted about two hours watching this drivel.
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