December 2004 Mini-Reunion

The Thundergun, Northcliff

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Old School Buddies: Mark Bellingan, Neil Kayton, John Stiekema, Paul Beardsell, Paul Derbyshire, & Manny Sequeira

We met on Seniors Tuesday at the Thundergun in Northcliff (now our 'traditional' watering hole in Joburg).  Seniors Tuesday means that in a few years we will qualify for a good discount on our meal!  But this year, it meant that we met up with Neil Kayton and Phillip Harris folks, who were enjoying their lunch there too.  It was good to see them!  Paul B and Mark came up from Cape Town for the occasion.


John is about to leave his lecturing job at Wits for a job working with nuclear technology.  Paul is doing computer consulting, and still traveling the world.  Paul came up from his stay in Cape Town to join us for a Diet Coke, a beer and a steak at the Thundergun.  Thanks Paul!!


Paul D is managing property development teams out of Joburg, and doing very well.  Manny is still based in Atlanta, now doing consulting work in IT and supply chain management.


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