Submitting Image Information Page

This page is intended as a quick reference for NRCS Soil Scientists to submit soil images for posting on the MLRA 11 Web site.

Submitting Image Information

Image files need to be submitted in either the .jpeg, or .gif file formats. Image resolution should not be more than 75 dpi. Your computer screen will not display more than 75 dpi. (Example) If you submit your image at 150 dpi, the file will take much longer to download and will appear twice as large as you intend it to on the web site. The best image quality can be achieved if you scan the image, and size it at 75 dpi. We can reduce the image files for you, but it may degrade the image quaility some and it does takes extra time to do as well. We can scan your prints and slides for you, if needed. Prints are easier to scan. Some slides may not lay flat enough on the scanner for a good scan and may require extra steps in order to be placed on the web. We can convert your .tiff and .bmp files to .jpg and .gif files for you too. If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected]

Submitting Text Information

Equal Opportunity Statement

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