Submitting Text Information Page

This page is intended as a quick reference for NRCS Soil Scientists to submit soil information for posting on the MLRA 11 Web site.

Submitting Text Information

The easiest and quickest file types to work with are text files. The information can be saved in the text (.txt) format and sent by e-mail in the body of the message, or as an attachment. The text file format works well with all computer systems and is not dependent on the software version like many of the word programs. The information may also be submitted as MS Word, and Excel files too. These file types can be sent to me as e-mail attachments. It may not always possible to maintain the exact, original layout when converting the documents to web file formats. We can convert the files to Adobe documents in situations where the layout needs to be maintained, or in situations where a printable form is needed. We can work with other file formats, but they often require additional time and may not be placed on the web site as quickly as the file types listed above. If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected]

Submitting Images

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