r  e  v  o  l  u  t  i  o  n      l  e  f  t    p  o  l  i  t  i  c  s    -   p  r  o  p  a  g  a  n  d  a   -   a  r   t    -    f  u  n
Wer kämpft, kann verlieren.
Wer nicht kämpft, hat schon verloren.
The one who fights, may loose.
The one who doesn't fight, has already lost.
Bert Brecht
gallery links
personal pictures & poster - art - politics
antifa, environment, left radicals& spare time
Aus aktuellem Anlass: Castor-Alarm? Der CastorXmeter zeigt es Dir an! www.antiatom.de
fight capitalism!no justice - no peace -fight the police!
lyrics quotes poetry
german political punk and rock lyrics (sort of...)
quotes from different people, basically.
poems I like
freiheit statt kapitalismus
Freiheit für alle politischen Gefangenen!
Solidarität mit den Inhaftierten im Prozeß gegen die RZ! - Infos unter... http://www.freilassung.de
Freedom for Sabine, Harald und Axel! - burn.ucsd.edu/~ats/razzia.html
zerschlagt das patriachat!
s26 special page mayday 2000
news section with links to german and international independent news
special page! reports and pictures about the protest in Praque against the Meeting of IMF and Worldbank
mayday: the worldwide revolutionary workers day - news and pictures about resistance around the globe on that day...
no nazis!
n30 - battle of seattle resistance in austria J18 -  london
some media coverage and a picture gallery about the famous "battle of seattle" against the WTO-meeting in 1999.
several reports and a gallery about austria concerning the far-right fpoevp -government
some newspaper articles reportin about the Carnival against capitalism in London on june, the 18th 1999.
no justice - no peace - fight the police
links for indipendent background information on the kosowar
my new guestbook, if you like to give me a note... :-)
please send me a message: [email protected] or simply view and use my guest book! thanx :) ;-p ;-p

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