the n30 has passed, the WTO meeting has ended without an agreement and the global action against have successfully finished for now. I've tried to collect a few interesting links about what has happenend during these days, but however I suggest you should also check Jay's Leftist and 'Progressive' Internet Reources Directory at there is a lot more news and articles about n30 & co collected...
I mirrored most of the pages, so one can read them without depending on the different servers.
but some important indiependent linksafirst...

reports on
Seattle police charge as protesters challenge curfew
National Guard troops head to city
December 1, 1999

President Clinton arrives in troubled Seattle
State of emergency declared after turbulent protests
December 1, 1999

Standoff between police, demonstrators, continues in Seattle
More WTO sessions planned for Thursday
December 2, 1999

reports in
How the young battalions hatched the Battle of Seattle
Tuesday November 30, 1999

Battle of the Seattle streets
Riot police use pepper gas as US grapples with biggest demonstration since Vietnam
Wednesday December 1, 1999

and some other reports
The seattle times
WTO in Seattle
Clashes, protests wrack WTO; police use tear gas against blockade
Tuesday, November 30, 1999

Pro-trade rally fails to attract many fans
Tuesday, November 30, 1999

Protests Delay WTO Opening
SEATTLE, Nov. 30—A guerrilla army of anti-trade protesters took control of downtown Seattle today, forcing the delay of the opening of a global meeting of the World Trade Organization.
(my favourite *rofl*)
Seattle caught unprepared for anarchists
Friday, December 03, 1999
Rücktritt des Polizeichefs von Seattle
Mittwoch, 08.12.1999
on theHomepage
Seattle declares civil emergency

Anti-WTO protesters claim victory

Massive protests disrupt trade talks (in The Age)
Wednesday, December 1, 1999

WTO Presses On Despite Protests
Wednesday, December 01, 1999

Delegates Report Talks Fail to Reach Agreement on Negotiating Package
Saturday , December 4, 1999

Fallout Begins Over WTO Protests
Monday, December 6, 1999

dpa (german news agency)
Schwere Ausschreitungen gegen Welthandelskonferenz in Seattle

aaaaa repreSSion... aaaaa keep on moving - against capitalism! aaaaa usa - police state
aaaaa refuse and resist! aaaaa riot, riot, upstart! aaaaa

reports and pictures about other days of global action on the following pages:


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