For general purpose use, it's hard to beat a Dobsonian telescope mount on the basis of rigidity, ease of assembly and use, and last of all - cost. its main drawbacks are - (a) it doesn't track the stars, so frequent fine adjustments are needed, especially when the telescope is used at high magnification, and (b) any jerkiness or stickiness in the movement will make (a) a real chore, and, finally, because of the above, it's not suitable for any astro-photography except very short exposures at small magnification. Nevertheless, the advantages make it seductive, especially the price.
The picture gives the idea. The 'scope tube sits in a cradle held inside a pair of 'wheels' which are supported in trunion bearings on the main stand. This is free to rotate horizontally on a bearing surface. That's all - any more is just lilly-guilding. A with all conventional Dobsonians,this is an alt-azimuth type of mount - so you have to move it in both axes frequently to keep on target.
Trawling the 'Net turned up plenty of sites and designs for Dobsonians. Putting it all together came down to (a) - the height should be right for comfortable viewing at different 'scope elevations, (b) - rigidity is very important and more height works against that, (c) - the bearing surfaces are the prime problem area, but, they can be changed readily later and (d) - large diameter bearings produce smoother movement.
Click for the plans and construction details
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