

We are a family owned business, who have been working in urban farms since the artichoke of thyme. We've built small backyard gardens, to city rooftops, we take pride in our gardens, and treat our clients as family.

Final Project

Development The development process to explain to my audience the intent and purpose behind my website was the fact I love gardening. I am always asked by my family and friends to post pictures and updates on how my container garden is going. So, I thought it would be fun to create my website based around something I love to do. The steps I took to create my website, I looked at other urban farming websites, and how they ran their business to give me an idea how to create my “uncle’s” business website.

Specific Design Choices The design choices I choose for my website came looking at other garden websites, I noticed they had earthy tones. I wanted to keep my site natural, colors you would see in a garden. For my webpage design, I wanted to keep it simple, easy to look at and navigate, incase someone over the age of 65 wouldn’t have a hard time navigating through the site.

Opportunities for Improvement and Growth If I had more time and resources, I would love to try to incorporate flash elements into the site. Things like moving graphics to the content. Perhaps add professional photos to the site. I think adding a social media presence to the site showing live feed from Facebook, Instagram, etc. would be something for the future update for the site.