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Welcome to The Men of Valor Clan's web site!                           Everyone is a Men of Valor its up to you to prove it!  


     Welcome to Men of Valor's clan web site. I hope you will Visit all our pages and maybe take a few downloads into your game. Here we supply you with many mods and other cool downloads. You can also join  the Men of Valor team. Just click the Join us and sign up for some great fun and bloody battles. This clan was started by my best friend Clipper and I, Sniper. This is the longest we have every stayed with a clan and I hope it never end. Clipper and I still don't have many members but we are working on it. 

      January 1, 2004

     Its been another year and now its time for Men of Valor's anniversary party! Its been a great year for Men of Valor and also our first. I hope we have many more members in 2004. Updated the site hope you like it. I had to do something I am having an open house I don't want to stick around for cheese and crackers. So what else to than sit in side and type. Now I hope like the new format and visit the forums page where you can post and reply to all the posts. I hope you have fun.  Men of Valor wishes everyone and everything a happy new year!  

       January 3, 2004

     Now Men of Valor is officially a Call of Duty Clan as me and Clipper work on the new improved Men of Valor site. This is going to be a very exciting year for MoV as we create clans in more and more games. Don't you worry about us keeping up. I still play the Men of Valor's required two hours a week. Now we have Men of Valor in CoD, and soon in Medal of Honor Pacific Assault. That looks like a very cool game. I hope I have a good enough Video Card to play it. I can not play CoD yet because I have a low video card. Me a Clip tried to install it.

      Mohaa News

      Extra Extra Read All about it! Its almost out! Medal of Honor Pacific Assault. You bet your life Men of Valor is playing that. I am have downloads fest. I need downloads for all, MoHAA, CoD, and MoHPA. I can make some but I need you players out their to think up a storm and get these mod to Men of Valor. With every mod you send you will have it posted on our site with the name you called it and your name next to it. So hurry up and lets get this show on the road! Send your mods to [email protected]. NOTE: Please have mods zipped and ready to go when you send them in. Thank You. 


                                        Copyright 2004. This site was made by [MoV]*5*Gen*Sniper. All Rights Reserved © 
                                      Men of Valor is recruiting still so please hurry up and join. You don't join. You volunteer!
                                  All a Medal of Honor players have a little Men of Valor in them selves its up to you to revile it!   
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