September 19th, 2002     *7:29 am cdt USA*
                  Why hello my fellow internet fans out there, it's me Ami, finally adding my reviews, recent art and fanfiction and what not. Aren't you all happy? I am not! I thought all I had was a little cough and cold,
turned out to be pneumonia (which really sucks!!) and I stayed home from school and gathered up my reviews... and caught up on my video games ^_^! But it was a fun thing to stay home from school, but now I have so much to catch up on! Better get going on it!
September 24th, 2002     *7:34 am cdt USA*
                  Gruss dich! Taking German is a lot of fun! I hope I got a good score on my test... -_- Anyways, my pnuemonia is better, but guess what I have now? A sinus infection! Dammit, what the hell is wrong with me!? I have missed a lot of school this year so far, damn! But, that just gives me more time to do my reviews, and I love my reviews! PPPPHHHEMM!! Sorry, had to blow my nose. Damn infection. Ne, I'll kill you you bastard I... where was I? Oh yes, about to say goodbye. Auf wiedersehen!
October 3rd, 2002     *7:47 am cdt USA*
              Gee, long time no update. Oh well, we're back! I finally am getting some of my review stats on here, and to add to that... Wolfgangerl and I are beginning a new site, a little smaller than MozartAmi, but still as important to us. Go there!! If you want to take a look, go right ahead! Now, I have A LOT of work to do on the site, so I better get rolling!
October 4th, 2002     *9:31 pm cdt USA*
             A lot done on the site today. I added a couple new links, stats on my reviews, some reviews, and yadda yadda. Miss Jocelyn has been busy as a bee lately! So, no update yet. Soon, she said. Until she updates a bit, I'm in charge of the keyboard. School has been rather crappy, grades aren't that bad (yet not that good), an A-, C+, C, D- (uh oh...) and such. Just to let you know! Plus, just for shits and giggles, I'm adding a little new section on my recent stuff page. Check it out! Wow, whew... that's quite a bit! Bye byez, see you when I can!
October 5th, 2002     *4:49 pm cdt USA*
             Well, did a lot of work today, and now I've completed the many revisions and items that bugged the heck outta me. Still no word from Jocelyn. Sorry! Plus, I'm thinking of ordering a new soundtrack here over the internet soon, so, another review perhaps? Hmmm perhaps. Another item of business, I'm going to try and create MozartAmi's internet logo, and Ami's official stamp logo for my reviews! Weee! Besides that, I'm STILL sick, so *sniff* gotta go.
October 7th, 2002   *8:08 pm*
    WHEW! I've been soooo busy this year! (My dad told me if I don't get at least a B average that he's going to cut off my allowance and I'll be grounded from the computer for two months!!) So far I'm doing well, three or so A's and the rest B's.) With Symphony beginning I'm up to at LEAST 30 minutes of practice a night, usually more. And, of course French class, which is always fun. I've begun a new fan-fic, called Life goes on,
Mr. Monk, based on the USA series Monk. I know, I still haven't updated Wolfgang in Italy, Amadeo in Germany OR The Lost Mind Of John Doe #12, but good fan-fic takes time! So be patient with me, I'm still working out a way to post it online. I just lent out my Amadeus CD's to Kendra, who will be doing the sound for our performance of Amadeus, so I can't update my soundtrack tonight. (Damn my dedication to the paly . . .) But I will add a movie review (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) and a little blurb about my new fan-fic, I may even be able to post the first half, but it's unlikly. By the way, as Ami said, go to our new page it's going to be awesome, if you help us support it! Thanks, and forgive me for taking so long to update! DAMN YOU HIGH SCHOOL! DAMN MY NEED FOR GOOD GRADES!! Thank you ^_^ Hehe.
October 13th, 2002   *8:29 pm cdt USA*
    Well, today was a TEN HOUR
Monk marathon! *Grins* Life is so good! Anyway, I posted part one of my new fan-fic, Life Goes on Mr. Monk, in the writing section, not that you'd want to read it anyway . . . nah, just teasing I'm sure it's good,I just can't judge my own writing. I had an entire page written up for my Gene Wilder tribute, but my comp froze before I saved it, and I'm too lazy to do it all over again now, I'll re-write it later. Well, I may be on tomorrow, may not. We'll see. Bye!
October 15th, 2002     *7:39 am cdt USA*
               Hmmm, what's this? Ami has been gone this whole time? Yes, but now I'm back! And, with some very interesting news! I have begun a rather strange yet delicate fanfiction about Yu-Gi-Oh!, the hit series on the WB. My friend told me it should never be done, but hell, I'm doing it anyways, why can't I have a little fun? No pics yet in the recent stuff, but I'll update that just for shits and giggles. I have been most busy (and still sick, when will this ever go away!?) but not too busy for the site! I gotta run, school is awaiting, but I'm glad we have tomorrow and Friday off! Oh, just a small thing, our site has been on the web for over three months! Say yay! YAY! Ok, I swear now I'm done.
October 16th, 2002     *11:26 am cdt USA*
                I am so happy! But what is this I see? Yet another Update page we need to make! Yup indeed. Our plans to updating this into a domain have rocketed up and now we're about to decide. Soon, you can go to!! YAY! Anyways, small update so gotta run. Bye byez!
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