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Fanfiction Tips < A must-see for inspiring writers.
For your writing purposes, we have set up this extra on Mozart-Ami about writing fanfiction. Our stories, your stories, and perhaps used on other websites will be seen here, pretty much about ANY subject out there. Even if you just want someone to see your story, send it here. We'll accept it if it's good. We'll later add the Fanfiction Tips for you to follow before you send your work here.
Up coming stories and bits!
Introduction to the story and what section is being posted
The Beginning of Wolfgang in Italy, Amadeo in Germany from the trilogy This Indomitable Spirit
written by: Wolfgangerl
The beginning of Wolfgangerl's first book in a trilogy of three stories detailing the life of Mozart. Young Mozart learns how cruel the world is as he encounters taunting and discrimination about his deformed ear and poor family. He must prove himself against the greatest odds.
Coming soon!!
^ ^ ATTENTION: I HAD the story ready to post,but my stupid computer deleted it as I was transferring the file!! GRRR Sorry...anyway, it'll take a while to re-write so please be patient.
Written by: DK
Ami was extremely happy with this story, and wanted everyone to view its beauty!! Set from Final Fantasy VIII, it talks about Seifer Almasy, gunblade holder and former student of Garden. How can he cope with his emotions? Powerful, amazing, full of lust, don't miss out on a beautiful fanfiction!!
Contains sexual themes
Contains blood and gore
Written by: DK
Not the sequel to Monster, Trigger is another one of Ami's recommendations and she urges the Final Fantasy VIII fanfiction readers to read it! Squall Leonheart, Garden Commander or SeeD killer? Find out what he has to do to prove it to himself. What surprises lay ahead? Don't miss this beautiful and astonishing book by DK!!
Contains sexual themes
Contains blood and gore
A new evil has come after Ultimecia, right after the party to celebrate their great victory, Squall is knocked out, while he lays unsuspecting, a SeeD is killed and no one knows who did it. What happened? Find out as Katie Herdman dishes out the fun and suspence of Hidden Pasts! Set from Final Fantasy VIII.
Hidden Pasts
Written By: Katie Herdman
The sequel to Hidden Pasts, Katie Herdman has brought back some of your favorite characters, but has created stunning new villians. After the evil has died, Quistis has been captured and learns not only that there is a new evil lurking, but that one of Squall's friends is hiding a deep secret. What's going on? Powerful and moving, Redemption will leave you stunned! Set from Final Fantasy VIII.
Written By: Katie Herdman
This fan-fic from Wolfgangerl is based on the USA show, Monk. Adrian Monk is a brilliant detective, with an extreame case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The story is told from the point of view of his nurse, Sharona, who is falling in love with him.
In this part of the story (the first part, titled Bread and Butter) Sharona tells what life as Adrian Monk's nurse is like. Then, Monk confronts a cocky lieutenant, a harsh detective, and encounters some problems with the kidnapping investigation. He doubts his sanity, while Sharona tries to get him to eat his vegtables.
Life Goes on, Mr. Monk Part one: Bread and Butter
Written By Wolfgangerl
You may want to click here to read a bit about Monk first!
Harsh language
Both fan fictions will be posted here as soon as I finds a suitable web host. Thanks for your patience.
The Void of a Dream
A beautiful, poetic fan-fiction told from the point of veiw of Spock from Star Trek who is having violent visions and terrifying 'episodes' of pure emotion, something a Vulcan never encounters. As he struggles to understand, he must convince his friends that he is not insane.
Written by Wolfgangerl
Coming Soon!
Some violent dreams and surreal images, mild language
Silly People
The newest Wolfgangerl fan-fic deals with the life of Python as imagined by Wolfgangerl. Graham Chapman has just died, and the crew must face the question 'Has the spirit of Monty PYthon died?' Meanwhile, and rather sensitive member, Eric Idle, must also deal with his terrible repressed memories and face mortality for the first time. An experimental and rather depressing story, but Wolfgangerl is happy with the way it's shaping up.
Written by Wolfgangerl
Coming Soon!
Language, adult situations
Please, submit your fiction to us, we would be happy to read it! However, keep in mind you NEED to read the fanfiction tips above before submitting!
Please look at Jocelyn's message above for her fanfictions, but stay tuned to our site, because mine will be here before you know it!
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