Song of Sandroux
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Strive to hear the harmony of the universe. No don't just hear it; be a part of it. Be the missing note in the lost chord. Vibrate to the pitch of life. Dance to the melody of its song. Life in it's turn will strum you back.

These are some of my compositions which I hope you can enjoy. I have tried to provide the melody of my tunes where appropriate. Beware: the wav files tend to be rather large. If you have a slow connection and you really want to hear them, you will have to be patient. I have provided guitar chords for several songs.

GeoCities Anthem: My CyberSong.
Odyssey: A ballad about erosion.
Meet Me: A Song about loneliness.
The Tin Whistle, Penny Whistle, or Flageolet.
Babble Fish: A rambling poem.
Alzheimer's Blues: I forget what this one's about.
Star Song: The ultimate escape.
This is what Everybody's Talking 'Bout.
Wait for the green light, lady.
Someone Is Laughing up in heaven.
I produced a few miscellaneous MIDIs.
Invitation: "Just as I am" (403KB WAV)
ActiveX music pages. (You will need msie3+ for this.)
Check-box blues. (You will need msie3+ for this.)
A Haiku. For folks that can't enjoy any of the above.



Mr. Phillip Sand Hansel II   ©1999

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