Nintendo 64 Code Vault: D
Last Updated On:
March 11, 2002

Welcome to the N64 Code Vault. Here you can find the latest tips and tricks for various Nintendo 64 games. Just select a letter below, use the menu, or select one of the games from the list.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

New / Updated Games Last Updated / Revised
Daikatana February 24, 2001
Dark Rift April 2, 2000
Deadly Arts August 8, 2000
Diddy Kong Racing July 10, 1999
Disney's Tarzan August 8, 2000
Donkey Kong 64 December 30, 1999
Doom 64 August 8, 2000
Dr. Mario 64 June 27, 2001
Duke Nukem 64 April 2, 2000
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour April 2, 2000

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