Pertinent Facts on Animal Fats
The forcible breakage of fat globules in pasteurization/homogenization releases an enzyme known as
Zanthine Oxidase.

Zanthine Oxidase causes damage (scarring) in artery walls.
This artery damage triggers the realease of Cholesterol from the liver which is the major cause of Artherosclerosis and many heart problems.! 
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                               Dairy promotes "Calcium Loss"
including Dairy products- are high in Phosphoric Acid. It is the acidic nature of  animal protein
as well as their high phosphorus content that leads to "Osteoporosis"or "Bone Loss"
These Proteins are broken down into "sulphur" by-products that are highly acidic (namely methionine and arachadonic acids).
Unfortunately,as our bodies can only function within a narrow 'pH' range between
acidity and alkalinity, in order to neutralize resulting acidity, the body is required to Mobilize calcium from the bones. Once this is accomplished, the Calcium is lost in the urine, never to be returned to the bones.

Studies 20 years ago showed that even when Calcium intake is increased to high levels more calcium is lost than retained while on a High Protein Diet.
High-Protein Diets: 80 mgs of bone is lost each day.
40 years = 75 percent of your Skeleton.

The First step toward bone building is to eat fewer animal proteins and more calcium rich vegetables/fruit!

Replace dairy milk with SOY or RICE milk in cooking and on your cereal.

Eat lots of green vegetables, beans, broccoli, sesame seeds, oats, fruits, and Tofu for strong bones..

Added hormones are commonly used to increase milk production. These, as well as a variety of antibiotics and pesticide residues, come through in cow's milk.
Constant exposure to these hormones can cause problems. We are seeing an increase in hormonal havoc in our young girls and boys, in women with PMS and ENDO, in menopausal symptoms, and in rising breast cancer rates.
The hydrogenation of oils to make margarine creates transfatty acids, which can be dangerous to your health. Transfatty acids raise overall cholesterol levels. They also generate free radicals, unruly molecules that damage healthy cells and increase the risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer.
   Real butter from a pesticide-free source, is a much healthier choice. It provides some beneficial short-chain fatty acids that nourish the intestinal mucosa,
Best of all choices are the monounsaturated oils of which Olive Oil is King!
Olive Oil, cold-pressed extra virgin, is 72 percent monounsaturated. 
www.Spectrum Naturals.com
Dairy implicated in Autoimmune Disease.
Caffeine, Pop, Fluoride, and Sodium are contributing factors in bone loss resulting in Osteoporosis
There is three times as much Calcium in one serving of Spinach as there is in one glass of milk!
Arachidonic Acids existing in the Saturated Fat content of Dairy and Meats which boost levels of Leukotrienes.
These Leukotrienes trigger the body's
INFLAMMATORY processes, and contribute to such conditions as ARTHRITIS, CROHN's and ASTHMA!
The above artery damage resulting from the homogenization of dairymilk "triggers the release of cholesterol from the liver to lay a protective coating over the inside of the scarred artery.
Lower protein vegetarian diets are associated with significantly higher bone mineral density!
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