Low Carb, High Protein Diets -Do They Really Make Sense?
Weight-Loss is Big Business!
The Atkins, Zone and Sugar-Busters Diet all promise fast results through their revolutionary theories on protein, insulin and high and low glycemic foods. However, despite the popularity of these diets, a few important questions emerge.
First, are these diets the best route towards future wei?ght loss? And secondly, do they
support optimal health?

Tip of the Day:
Diet Analysis:
To get a fresh perspective, we interviewed Mary Flynn, Ph. D., author of "Low-fat lies, High-fat frauds."

Question: "What is the rationale behind low-carbohydrate, high protein diets?
Answer: Carbohydrates in the blood stream trigger insulin secretion. Insulin activates the? enzyme, Lipoprotein lipase, which allows fat to get into the fat cell. Insulin is seen as 'bad'. By not eating carbs, you shut down insulin secretion and stop storing fat according to these theories.

In reality, insulin is secreted whenever, carbs or amino acids are present in the bloodstream. Insulin is not 'bad'.
It is actually Vital! Insulin allows the body to use glucose and fat.The point of eating is to obtain nutrients the body needs to function and to store some for later use.
The reason these diets result in weight loss is because they eliminate an entire source of nutrients- Carbohydrates.
Carbs typically make up about 50% of calories in our diet..It is difficult. almost impossible to make up these calories with protein and fat foods without an excessive saturated fat intake!.
Question: "What are the implications of prolonged, excessive  protein/fat intake?"
Answer: "As for specific sources, a high protein diet is usually a high-meat/dairy diet high in saturated fats. Saturated fats are problematic in both heart disease and cancer.
It has been known for at least twenty years that people/populations who eat more fruits and vegetables have lower rates of these diseases. Phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables participate in a number of reactions that protect against heart disease and cancers.
Question: what is your opinion of Robert Atkins theory of ketosis?
Answer: Ketosis results from the
incomplete breakdown of fats.Cells would prefer to use glucose for energy, however they can switch over to ketones if glucose is in short supply. Ketones in the bloodstream lead to general malaise, lethargy and irritability. ketones suppress the appetite through a mechanism in the brain. An abundance of ketones leads to a state of high acidity in the blood.. Acidity is quite toxic and a major risk factor for cancers as well!

Ancient Wisdom is a reminder that we need to also consider the long -term results to  ensure that our future health has not been compromised.
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