Reading Workshop and Writing Workshop are complements of each other. They are both part of the Workshop System. This system, remember, is designed to help you become more than a good student--it's designed to help you become a good writer, and a good reader. Becoming a good student is something that will serve you for the rest of your school career. Becoming a good writer and reader is something that will help you--and give you great pleasure--for the rest of your life.


In Writing Workshop, you have the freedom to write, making mistakes, until you hit upon something good you want to polish up, make perfect, and publish for other people to read (and for Mrs. Loughrige to grade!). In Reading Workshop, you have the freedom to read, with the understanding that sometimes you'll choose something you don't like or for some reason doesn't appeal to you. In other words, unlike the books I assign to you in class, you won't have to finish reading it if you don't want to. But in that freedom to find something you like, you will have to finish reading something, just as in Writing Workshop you eventually have to finish writing something.



The problem is that some people are already good readers. Lots of people would read books for pleasure, even if we didn't have Reading Workshop as part of the class. In fact, some students wouldn't stop reading books even if I tried to force them. Those students are in luck, and Reading Workshop will become their favorite lesson of the week!


Other students don't, or at least believe they don't, enjoy reading at all. They'll say they can't find books they enjoy, or that reading is boring, or in some cases that reading is too hard.



Those students are also in luck! Reading Workshop is designed for them, too. While some students will read a large book each week, some students will read a single book per term. Most students are in the middle. That's okay...as long as you are reading at a pace that challenges you, and as long as you have found something you enjoy reading. Reading is like riding a bike, because everyone starts slow and wobbly, then eventually takes off and races around. Reading is like eating potato chips, because every taste makes you hungry for more. Reading is like mountain climbing, because you gradually want to try higher and higher peaks.

The point is that you might not discover all of this if you don't just pick up books and try (and maybe fail, but then try again) to find a book that's right for you. I can recommend books I think you might like, but for Reading Workshop, I won't assign you any book and force you to read it. You need to discover some things YOU like, and some new things you didn't know you liked, and wouldn't have discovered without this chance to try something new.




Why do we have Reading Workshop once a week? That's why.


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